Why Pelosi Cant Have Opposing Views On The January 6th Committee

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago


"The two House Republicans Speaker Nancy Pelosi barred from a select committee investigating the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol are both staunch defenders of former President Donald J. Trump who backed his efforts to invalidate the election and have opposed investigating the assault on Congress."

Lets just remember that pretty much the majority of Republicans back Donald J. Trump and they also think there was some problems with the election, so it only makes reasonable sense that pro Trump Republicans would be picked to be on the panel. Also who is in charge of the investigation of the Capitol riots? The investigation into the riots have already been going on and their is already arrests, so there is no need for this committee or at least no need for the committee to investigate anything. This means that the claim that they oppose investigating the assault is actually a valid one, so this is not a reason to not allow someone on the committee.

"Ms. Pelosi said she had decided to disqualify Representatives Jim Jordan of Ohio and Jim Banks of Indiana because of widespread Democratic dismay about “statements made and actions taken by these members.”"

This makes you think oh well these two must be biased right? I mean we have to have an unbiased panel, but how is it possible to have an unbiased government committee? its not possible, the closest thing you could get to an unbiased government committee is to have some of all parties on the panel and those people should be chosen by the party. Instead Pelosi says if she doesn't agree with the opinion of those on the other side then those people should not be represented in the committee.

"Here is a roundup of what they have said.
‘No way’ Trump should concede, Jordan said as he helped plan the challenge to Biden’s victory."

Okay so this one is something that I heard many if not all Republicans saying, so it is disqualifying to have a member on the committee that holds a majority opinion of what the people believe? I think Jim Jordan was representing his constituents when he made these statements and in fact until the next election you have to assume this is what the people believe.

"‘There was something wrong with this election’: Jordan continued to suggest Biden’s victory was illegitimate."

There was actually a lot of weird things going on with that election, but it is very hard to prove substantial amounts of voter fraud. You can find some in some places which the Trump campaign did in fact find, like in my home State of Michigan it was shown that dead people did vote in that election. The problem is proving that it could have changed the election, but that is beyond the point. The point is the majority of the Republican people believe their was substantial fraud and there could have been, so it makes sense to have someone on the committee that represents the republican people although Pelosi does not want that. Pelosi wants republicans on the committee that do not like Trump and detest the Capitol Rioters, this is to malign the Majority of Republicans.

"‘Democrats created this environment’: Jordan compared the riot to racial justice protests."

I don't see how they don't compare.... I shouldn't even have to debunk these articles by professional "journalist", but I think the problem with these people is they are out of touch with the Average American. Fact is the left rioted for months straight while politicians refused to criticize and the media failed to report it for what it was. I don't think it is unreasonable at all to assume that republicans were tired of it and used the lefts playbook against them for once. Lets see how the New York times sums up this statement from Jordan.

"Mr. Jordan has repeatedly sought to equate the attack on the Capitol to unrest around last summer’s racial justice protests, and accused Democrats of hypocritically trying to punish Mr. Trump for the riot while refusing to condemn left-wing violence. He signaled that he would use the Jan. 6 investigation to push that narrative."

This is just an outright lie, apparently this reporter at the Times has no idea what a riot or a protest is, unless she believes they are one and the same which she doesn't. If she thought the lefts riots were protests then she shouldn't be a hypocrite ad say the rights riot was a riot, just be honest is all we are asking. See its not about rioting vs protesting, what this is about is political motivation the left was rioting over race so that's a protest and the right was rioting over a democratic president being elected by what they believe as fraud thats a riot.

"Banks claimed the select committee was created ‘to malign conservatives.’"

Now that Pelosi denied him to be on the committee it seems like maybe there is a different motive behind the committee, it would make more sense for Pelosi to allow him on to show that the committee is dedicated to finding the truth which is why they would love for someone like Banks to be on the committee. Instead the Democrat's want to make sure there are no opposing view points on the committee, the big question is what could be the harm in having them on the committee? is it not possible to kick them off after you allow them on the committee?

"Correction: July 21, 2021
A picture with an earlier version of this article was published in error. It showed Representatives Jim Jordan of Ohio and Rodney Davis of Illinois, not Mr. Jordan and Representative Jim Banks of Indiana."

I had to add this just in case you thought that the reporters at the New York times new what they were talking about, they couldn't even get the right picture with the right people in it.... at least they corrected it, but I think this is all I have to say about this. Thank you for Reading

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I place a lot of the blame on those Elected to Represent us, but decided to Represent our Enemies, instead...
July 24, 2021... 15.1 Hollywood Time...

 3 years ago 

Yes I agree, what I think is crazy is that Trump said "lets go over to the capital and protest peacefully" Yet they blame him for Jan 6th. I think the people to blame are the democrats, they are the ones who call those on the right deplorable, racist, and stupid every chance they get. its like a kid in school who gets called names everyday, don't be surprised when one day he pops off and slugs you or worse shoots up the place.

Our enemies wants everyone to be divided... Please don't place the blame on the Democrats or the Republicans, or any other Party Member... Our Enemies are very Powerful, and control a lot of our Representatives... We the People must always stick together to fight our real Enemies... I usually call them the Central Bank Owners...
July 25, 2021... 20.7 Hollywood Time...

 3 years ago 

Well I suppose your right as a whole but I’m speaking in reference to this specific event, I think the Democrats/the people who control them, but Idk I put blame on the politicians who are controlled as much as the controllers. The regular people are just stuck in the middle I don’t really blame them fully

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