The solution to your problems

in Account Booster 👍11 months ago

Many people complain about various things affecting them in their everyday life. They do not know that these things are consequences of the actions they carried out in the past. These things may seem trivial currently but the accumulated effect could turn out badly.
Some are even simple things you do on a regular and do not know are wrong. In this piece, I'm going to tell you some of these things which cut across many areas of life.
The things you put in or on your body that has more cons than pros but can't stop using because nobody has died from it,I am going to list some of them out to you so that you can make conscious effort to stop doing them.

Eating junks too many junks instead of proper meals: not only does this make you gain unhealthy weight over a period of time,it also makes your eating pattern terrible. Junks are not necessarily filling,they just taste good and keep you filled for a short period. After this short period and you get hungry again,you start looking for what to eat again, before you know it,you are back at eating the junks and consuming more than enough calories you need for a day. Take note that you are not necessarily getting filled. Make meals that fill you up, whole grains,legumes, vegetables and other healthy food materials. Now, I'm not going to say don't eat junks at all because that's a mistake most people make when trying to convince people into healthy living. You could eat them but not as main meals and you should eat them with moderation.
Another part I am going to talk about is spending lavishly. Take note whenever you go on one of those bank breaking shopping that if you buy it and it's just lying around the house after you buy it then you don't need it . People that spend a lot most times do it out of emotions at that point. "Oh it's cute" but "oh do you actually need it?" You could use the money to get better needs ahead. For people that have bad saving habits,Lock it up! Fix that money if you are not going to need it for something or if you can do without it.
This is majorly for women. Drop that YouTube DIY "skincare product" and get the help of a dermatologist. If you can't afford one, make a proper skincare routine for yourself,be committed to it and you'll definitely see changes. What you consume also affects your skin. Soda should be cancelled totally it is a reason for constant breakouts,sugary food items too. Eat vegetables, drink plenty of water,wash your face after coming in contact with dust or things your skin could be allergic to. Wash up after a run or after a workout session. Also avoid putting weird things on your face. Things like baking soda, toothpaste,onions,those are not good for you. Make your findings, know what works for you and stick to it.
Lastly, this is for people who find it hard to get things done. The fist question to ask yourself is "if I don't do this thing,what could go wrong?". "Is it my results?", "Could my life be in danger?", "does it mean I get less money than others at the end of the day?", "would I be happy with the aftermath of my decision?". Yes I know most times life could get tiring and you just want to give up but sometimes,we could find happiness in doing something by consciously making it a little fun. Take breaks when you feel tired and suffocated. Do it with someone you enjoy having around. Talk to someone about it and try to stay motivated to doing them. Or you could stop totally. Maybe it's not just your thing, discover what makes you happy doing it. Take time to find what comes so easy to you when others are struggling with it. Go easy on yourself don't be too hard, even if it means being the last one to finish,go at your own pace. Remember that procrastination never gets anything done!

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