Morning sketch (elephant).

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago

Hello friends,

Here is one of my morning sketches. Sometimes, when I feel like not talking, usually it’s in the morning and later in the evening (in other words, when my brain is too tired for conversation), I prefer doing art. Something that doesn’t require too many instruments :-)


The sketch of the day is an elephant. I have a few animal toys that we use for sketching. I felt like doing this one today. Teachers also have to keep practicing, no one is perfect, we just have to keep practicing.


I was mostly shading in this sketch, not much of academical hatching. I know it’s easier, but it’s also more satisfying, helps to relax and refresh my mind from negativity.


Here is my model that I was drawing. What do you think, let me know in comments.


Thanks for checking out, I appreciate it!


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