Sitting down without trying is far more terrifying than fearing failure

Sitting down without trying is far more terrifying than fearing failure.


We all want to be successful in life. But we often stop before even trying because of the fear of failure. Indeed, failure is never the end of our path; Rather, it allows us to learn, and improve. Our real fear should be doing nothing and sitting around wasting time.

Not failure, but sitting is awful.

Every day we face various challenges, some we win, some we lose. But if we don't accept those challenges, we will never know how capable we are. Failure gives people a valuable learning experience. Successful people have failed repeatedly, but they never stop. Failing once is not the end of life. Sitting is the real loss.

I am not trying means ignoring your potential.

People who give up before doing something never find their strength or potential. Success doesn't come overnight, patience and effort are key to success. If we don't try, we will never know how successful we really are.

Take inspiration from real examples.

Think of the world-famous inventor Thomas Edison. He failed a thousand times, but he never stopped trying. He was once asked how he continued on his path of innovation despite failing so many times. He replied, "I didn't fail, I just found a thousand ways that didn't work."

That is, failure is never the end. So we should always try, no matter how many times we fail.

To be successful in life, one has to overcome fear and move forward with courage. It is always more important to try than to sit. There will be failures, but that is our stepping stone to improvement. So, instead of fearing failure, fear doing nothing.

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