SEC | S20W1: Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture

in Steem-Agrolast month (edited)

AssalamuAlaikum & Greetings Everyone!
It's me @amjadsharif
From #pakistan

I am really excited that season 20 has started, now we all can participate in this season and learn more about the knowledge that we don't know. Thank you @xkool24 and @mainuna bring this amazing engagement for me and others.

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Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture in Pakistan

As we all know Pakistan is an agricultural country and its economy is on the rise, it is fair to say that agriculture is the backbone of Pakistan and it has a very important role in GDP. A large population of Pakistan is associated with agriculture. Therefore, agriculture plays an important role in employment. In the last few years, agriculture has been under serious threat due to adverse weather conditions. Climate conditions are affecting agricultural production, crop production, irrigation systems, and the spread of new pests and diseases. The government of Pakistan needs to develop effective strategies to protect agriculture from climate change.


Describe in detail how agriculture productivity is affected by climate change.

Climate Change Affects Agricultural Production

The answer to this question, I would say is that climate change can affect agriculture in several ways including :

  • Temperature Change.
  • Changes in the Timing of Rainfall.
  • Extreme Weather Events.

These changes directly or indirectly affect crop growth, water availability, and overall agricultural production. Now I will try to explain them step by step here.

Change in Temperature

Recently the paddy crop has been severely affected by severe weather stress and the average yield was negligible due to severe heat stress. Due to extreme heat, the pollination process stopped and the production decreased considerably. Extreme temperatures can significantly reduce rice crop yields. Similarly, if we talk about wheat. So the wheat crop also cannot withstand climatic stress, and the yield may decrease due to temperature changes.

Changes in Rainfall Patterns

Unpredictable rains and changes in rainfall patterns are both detrimental to the crop. In areas that are dependent on rain, if the rains are unpredictable, crop production may be reduced and the cultivation or harvesting schedule may be affected.

Extreme Weather Events

Extreme weather events such as unexpected heat waves, heavy rains, and heavy rains are on the rise in Pakistan, causing severe damage to crops. Due to this the situation of drought may arise. Weeding is also harmful to the crop because last year my maize crop was severely damaged due to weeding which not only reduced the production of my maize crop but also failed to cover my expenses. Heavy rains can also cause damage, reducing the growth of the crop.

Discuss how extreme rains and extreme droughts damage crops.

Effects on crops resulting from heavy rains and droughts

Agriculture in Pakistan is facing two problems. In which heavy rains and prolonged droughts are the two main components of climate change that we are going to brief.

Extreme Rains


Heavy rains lead to avalanche conditions, causing severe damage to crops. If the soil is overwatered, oxygen supply to the roots can be cut off and the ability to absorb nutrients from the soil is reduced. If the soil becomes depleted of nutrients, it affects crops, for example rice, which is grown in water and can tolerate standing water to some extent. But if too much water can cause yield loss.

Also, heavy rains cause delay in tillage or harvesting. This prevents the crop from getting the weather it needs and reduces yield. Last year, due to floods in our area, the rice crop was severely affected and the landowners suffered a lot. Floods swept away crops and some crops were destroyed due to prolonged standing water.

Extreme Drought


If the other side of the picture is seen, crops are also affected due to lack of rains. If there is a long drought, the water level starts to decrease. The amount of moisture in the soil decreases. If the amount of moisture in the soil decreases, the fertility begins to decline. Which makes it difficult to grow crops. One thing I want to tell you is that due to lack of rains, the fields are destroyed. Along with this, it becomes difficult to grow fodder for animals. The result is that food shortages lead to rising prices and reduced farmers' incomes.

Discuss in stages how new pests and diseases are emerging as a result of climate change AND what measures farmers can take to prevent them.

Emergence of new pests and diseases as a result of climate change

Climate change is conducive to the growth and development of pests and diseases that threaten agricultural production

New Pests and Diseases


  • Rising temperatures and excess humidity have increased the growth of insects, pests, and contributed to the spread of diseases. Warmer weather means fewer pests die in the winter. As their breeding numbers increase. The breeding and diseases of these insects affected large parts of Pakistan.

  • There is a special type of disease in wheat called fungus which is spreading widely due to changing weather conditions. Diseases and pests not only reduce the yield of the crop, but if not managed or destroyed in time, they can render the entire field unproductive.

Precautions for Farmers


Climate change is a major problem for farmers, contributing to the spread of pests and diseases. Farmers can take various measures to deal with this.

  • Research institutes in Pakistan recommend varieties of wheat, rice and maize crops that can resist pests and diseases.

  • If the field is regularly monitored, it can detect the pest attack early which can be stopped by timely application of chemical insecticides.

  • After harvesting, farmers must remove crop residues and weeds, which harbor pests and diseases. If the infected plant material is properly disposed of, the crops can be prevented from spreading diseases. and can be kept healthy.

Discuss what changes in irrigation system are required due to climate change.

Necessary Changes in Irrigation Systems Due to Climate Change


Water scarcity for agricultural irrigation and new irrigation practices to improve water efficiency, which can be beneficial in climate change, are essential.

  • As we all know that conventional irrigation methods have become highly inefficient, wasting water. Water tanks/ canals should be covered, so that water can be delivered to the fields without wasting water. Or modern irrigation method should be adopted which is drip irrigation system. This will also reduce water wastage and direct water to the plants.

  • Small farmers should build small ponds to conserve water. In which rain water can be collected, and fields can be planted if needed. This system can also save money.

  • In the areas where canal water facility is available. Farmers should apply as much canal water as possible, which will help improve soil health. Canal water can improve crop growth.

  • Areas where water is underground. Farmers should adopt practices that reduce water withdrawal. Grow crops that require less water. At least give enough time for the underground water to fill up again. Rainwater harvesting can help maintain water levels.

Explain the two best ways to respond to climate change.

Adaptation Strategies

Now I need to write here two mechanisms for reducing the vulnerability of agriculture to the impacts of climate change. The heading given above. Adaptation refers to changes in practices and policies.

Climate Sensitive Crop Types

Now the question arises as to which crop varieties should be promoted, so it is necessary to promote the production and use of such crop varieties which have the ability to withstand extreme climatic conditions, pests and diseases. I have mentioned earlier, that research institutes should focus on producing crops that can resist drought, heat, salinity.

Better Infrastructure and Technology

Farmers should have access to weather forecasting and modern technology to be able to make informed decisions about cropping and pest management. Investments in infrastructure such as improved irrigation systems, storage facilities and roads can go a long way in helping farmers cope with the impacts of climate change.


By farmers adopting modern agricultural practices, improving irrigation techniques, investing in climate resilient infrastructure, Pakistan can protect its agricultural sector against the effects of climate change.
Climate change poses a major threat to agriculture in Pakistan and around the world, affecting not only production, water resources, pest and disease outbreaks, but also a comprehensive set of mitigation and adaptation strategies to address these challenges. are also necessary for This can help meet food shortages for a growing population.


I participated in this wonderful engagement and invite to @shabbir86, @sojib1996, and @ruthjeo to join this.

Thank You

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review upcoming

Thank you, I think I tried to answer all the questions very deeply. The drip irrigation system working in some areas of pakistan where water scarce or bitter.

I got bro. You are most welcome ❤️

After reviewing my post, you edited the comment if it contained plagiarism or AI content. so do the mention. it is not right to do it at someone's request.
@mainna, @xkool24

Ok bro.@xkool24 sir, will br review your post

I read your homework and I am impressed by your work as you describe all necessary explanation efficienctly and give the great answers of all questions

Due to this climate change in the world, we notice many changes in the agricultural field, the time when we produce the doubles is when the weather is winter, but now the down plants flower at the end of winter and we harvest them at the end of winter. There are many other crops like this in our area. We are seeing this change due to climate change. Best of luck to you

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Thank you very much sir, we are sincerely sorry. We are looking into it now.🙏
Cc: @xkool24

My content is 100% original if my content is plagiarized or ai generated then it should definitely be labeled and I should not get support, first of all it should be checked and then a decision taken.

I want to appreciate your style of writing...I like how you try to incorporate your country and the agricultural challenges they're facing in regards to this topic and bringing the problem of climate change into life with this content. Overall it is a well detailed one. Well-done.

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