Access to Greek islands regained soon!

in Motorcycles & Trips4 years ago

If COVID19 has run out of bad surprises, after a month or so you might have the chance to find yourself in Greece at a beach like this one:

or this one:

how about this one:

OK, no matter how spoiled you are you're definitely gonna like this one:

Where does all this magic happen? At the wonderful island of Kea. Not only this little island is surrounded by gorgeous beaches like these but also offers a great chance for a walk on its narrow cobblestone streets with all these old cute stone houses:

Even the few neglected ones attract the visitors with the stories they have to "tell":

And can even play chess:

Needless to mention if the island has view points. Like this one:

I guess you no more doubt that Kea worth the ride but just in case you still do...

By now you might wanna have a look on a video of me riding around there so here it is:

Hope you enjoy this summer happy and safe!


Lets hope tourism starts soon again! Nice photos and I love the bike!
Here a "some" votes for you!

Fingers crossed :) Thanks for visiting and commenting.

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