Sing and play week 148||Title:NABUCCO-VERDI||@sergione48

in Dance and music show3 years ago

Hello friends, in the meantime I want to thank you for the compliments you give me, unfortunately this week I hurt my finger and I was unable to record a new song, but since tonight I will go to see the Arena di Verona (Un Teatro all very famous) an opera by Giuseppe Verdi I share with you the thought taken from that opera, hoping it will be appreciated !!!

I am attaching the text:


Va, pensiero, sull'ali dorate
Va, ti posa sui clivi, sui colli
Ove olezzano tepide e molli
L'aure dolci del suolo natal

Del Giordano le rive saluta
Di Sionne le torri atterrate
Oh mia patria sì bella e perduta
Oh membranza sì cara e fatal

Arpa d'or dei fatidici vati
Perché muta dal salice pendi?
Le memorie nel petto riaccendi
Ci favella del tempo che fu

O simile di Solima ai fati
Traggi un suono di crudo lamento
O t'ispiri il Signore un concento
Che ne infonda al patire virtù
Che ne infonda al patire virtù
Che ne infonda al patire virtù
Al patire virtù


Go, thought, on the golden wings
Go, it rests you on the hills, on the hills
Where they smell tepid and soft
The sweet aura of the natal soil

Greetings from the banks of the Jordan
Of Sionne the towers landed
Oh my homeland so beautiful and lost
Oh memoir so dear and fatal

Golden harp of the fateful vati
Why does it change from the willow slopes?
The memories in the chest rekindle
It tells us about the time that was

Or similar of Solima to the fates
You hear a sound of crude moaning
Or may the Lord inspire you a concento
Which instills virtue in suffering
Which infuses virtue of suffering
Which instills virtue in suffering
To suffer virtue


Me gusta disfrutar de la calidez y energia de esta musica el sonido del acordion es magnifico saludos amigo bella interpretacion!

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