When to enter the several projects that I run

in Dance and music show4 years ago (edited)

Source: http://gph.is/2pnQDwU.

Dear dance, music and fitness lovers

I have been active on Steemit since July 2016 and very active since July 2017.

I started with the dance contest in July 2017 and after just over a year I created the "Dance and have fun" project that used to be called differently. I also created the "Sing and play" music project more or less at the same time.

I gave away over the years a few thousands STEEM in prizes and I've also spent a lot of time in organising these projects.

I'm happy to do that because I like dancing, singing and playing the guitar. I also like seeing people having fun when they dance.

Probably I won't be able to give away so much STEEM forever but as long as my posts get some support and SBD is high in value, I'll deliver more prizes.

I have always announced the dance contest every week. This is the only project which has always been a contest.

When to enter:

These projects run on a weekly basis.

On Monday I usually announce the "Keep fit and have fun" fitness project. It used to be called the "fitness contest". Please create your "Keep fit and have fun" post by Sunday. Prizes can vary.

On Thursday I announce a new event, the "Dance Party". Please create your "Dance party" post by Wednesday.

Alternatively, share your dance video as a comment on the post that announces the dance party event. Prizes can vary.

On Friday I announce the "Sing and play" music project. In the regular format, the participants receive the same amount of STEEM. When I run the music contest edition there can be one or more winners and prizes are different.

Please create your "Sing and play" post by Wednesday.

This music project is getting more and more popular so I won't be able to deliver prizes to all participants.

On Saturday I announce the "Dance and have fun" project. This dance project is also getting more and more popular.

Please create your dance post by Thursday but the earlier the better.

On Sunday I announce the "Dance contest" that is the longest-running contest here on Steemit. I can't remember how many dance lovers entered the dance contest over the years.

Please create your post for the dance contest by Friday.

I upvote all the posts that you share on the "Dance and music" community. I also try to leave a comment on most of your posts. Please support other members by upvoting their posts.

Feel free to leave a comment and thank you for reading!


Thank you for teh explanation on the timings and thank you so so much for your support! you are the first person that made me feel really welcome on Steemit!

You are welcome.
I'm happy to support you. Apart from my son @mikeylorenzo, you are the only dancer living in London, who is on Steemit. Maybe there are other dancers but I've never seen anybody from London sharing any dance post here.
Have a nice weekend!

Saludos mi amigo @donatello que lindo es formar parte de todos estos proyectos. Dios te bendiga siempre y triplique todo lo que das, Amén. Un abrazote, por aquí ya ando pensando en mis tres bailes de esta semana que viene así que ando feliz con esto y además he invitado a otros usuarios nuevos y se han divertido mucho, hasta me han dado las gracias.. Yo te doy las gracias nuevamente por esta hermosa oportunidad.

Eres bienvenida y, con suerte, todos obtendremos el apoyo que necesitamos y quizás merecemos.

Amén. Gracias mi amigo por el apoyo.

Siempre activo...

Hello, friend, very important information regarding the publication dates, I will be attentive to it, greetings

Gracias por estos eventos @donatello que nos llenan mucho de entusiasmo y alegría y por el horario que coloco para saber cuando publicar. Excelente. Muchos Abrazos . Saludos

Well done for your projects and the work you made all this years

I appreciate it @donatello

great job Donatello! and thanks for the award, it's a great community that you have formed, it doesn't seem to me that the moment is better here in steemit.

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