Sing and play week 129 - My entry - Vecchio Frack by Domenico Modugno - Cover by Donatello

in Dance and music show4 years ago

Dear music lovers

For this edition of Sing and play, I like to share a song, Vecchio Frack, by Domenico Modugno, one of my favourite Italian singer-songwriters.

Vecchio Frack by Domenico Modugno - Singing for fun and relaxation


Vecchio Frack

È giunta mezzanotte,
si spengono i rumori,
si spegne anche l'insegna
di quell'ultimo caffè.
Le strade son deserte,
deserte e silenziose,
un'ultima carrozza
cigolando se ne va.

Il fiume scorre lento
frusciando sotto i ponti,
la luna splende in cielo,
dorme tutta la città,
solo và un vecchio frac.

Ha il cilindro per cappello,
due diamanti per gemelli,
un bastone di cristallo,
la gardenia nell'occhiello
e sul candido gilè un papillon,
un papillon di seta blu.

S'avvicina lentamente
con incedere elegante,
ha l'aspetto trasognato,
malinconico ed assente
non si sa da dove vien
né dove va.

Di chi sarà
quel vecchio frac?

Bonne nuit, bonne nuit,
bonne nuit, bonne nuit,
buona notte
va dicendo ad ogni cosa,
ai fanali illuminati,
ad un gatto innamorato
che randagio se ne va.

~ ~ ~
È giunta ormai l'aurora,
si spengono i fanali,
si sveglia a poco a poco
tutta quanta la città.

La luna s'è incantata
sorpresa e impallidita,
pian piano scolorandosi
nel cielo sparirà.

Sbadiglia una finestra
sul fiume silenzioso
e nella luce bianca
galleggiando se ne van
un cilindro, un fiore e un frac.

Galleggiando dolcemente
e lasciandosi cullare
se ne scende lentamente
sotto i ponti verso il mare,
verso il mare se ne va.

Di chi sarà, di chi sarà
quel vecchio frac?

Adieu, adieu, adieu,
adieu, addio al mondo,
ai ricordi del passato,
ad un sogno mai sognato,
Ad un abito da sposa
primo ed ultimo suo amor.

La la la la...

English translation

Old Tailcoat

«At night, when everybody is asleep, only a man is walking on the street. It’s a man in a tailcoat.»

Midnight has come,
every sound is dying down,
the sign of that last café
has been turned off too.
The streets are deserted,
deserted and quiet,
one last carriage
is going away, creaking.

The river is flowing slowly,
swishing under the bridges,
the moon is shining in the sky,
the whole city is sleeping,
a man in a tailcoat is passing by, alone.

He’s wearing a top hat,
two diamonds as cufflinks,
a crystal walking stick,
a gardenia in his buttonhole,
and, on his pure-white waistcoat, a bow tie,
a blue silk bow tie.

He’s approaching slowly,
in a solemn gait,
he has a dreamy,
melancholy, absent-minded look,
and no one knows where he’s coming from
or where he’s going.

Who will it be
that man in a tailcoat?

«Bonne nuit, bonne nuit, bonne nuit, goodnight»
he’s saying to everything,
to the lit up street lamps,
to a wandering,
enamoured alley cat.

The day is already breaking,
the street lamps are turning off,
the whole city
is waking up little by little;
the moon has been enchanted,
surprised and pale,
it will slowly fade,
disappearing in the sky.

A window is yawning
on the silent river,
and in the white light,
here they go, floating away,
a top hat, a flower and a tailcoat.

Floating softly,
cradled by the water,
he’s flowing down slowly,
under the bridges, towards the sea,
he’s going towards the sea.

Who will it be
that man in a tailcoat?

Adieu, adieu, adieu, adieu, farewell to the world,
to the memories of the past,
to a dream never dreamt,
to an instant of love
that will never come back.

La la la la...

Feel free to leave a comment and thank you for watching!


¡Gracias por pasar!

nice song! i get such a melancholic feeling from the lyrics... what happened with the mysterious man? did he drown in the river? :( anyway, it was fun to listen to you sing mr. donatello, greetings!

Thank you for watching and leaving a nice comment!
Sadly he commits suicide.

Me encantan las músicas en Italiano, esta canción tiene una melodía muy linda, tu rostro transmite sentimiento y alegría mientras cantas. Muy lindo tema. Bravooo. 😘😘😘

¡Muchas gracias! ¡Siempre eres tan amable con tus comentarios!

Bravo amigo mio bien hecho!...

¡Gracias por ver el video!
Me alegro de que te guste.

Bellissimo Donatello! Italian language is so beautiful, and you sang very well this song!

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