Best places in Argentina - Parque Ibera

in Steem Argentina3 years ago


I have visited a lot of places in Argentina - from Mendoza, west to Iguazu, east and from Jujuy north to ... Unfortunately only to Rosario south, because my journey has been interrupted by covid pandemy. I look forward to see Buenos Aires and Patagonia in the future.

Many places delighted me with views, local flora and fauna, traditions and local food, but none stuck in my memory as much as Park Ibera.


Ibera is one of those places that are still the undiscovered diamonds. It's nearly impossible to find here any international tourists. When foreigners arrive to Argentina, they head to the capital, visit Bariloche, Perrito Moreno, Ushuaia and the Iguazu Falls, sometimes Mendoza, Córdoba, and the colorful mountains in the north. Hardly anyone has heard of Ibera though and it's a pity, because it is an exceptionally attractive place. I hope you will agree with me after reading this post.

Location under the link:

Park Ibera - few words before we will start

The park is enormous. It's almost 1,400 km2 of swamps and pure nature with little areas where sightseeing is allowed. Most of the Park cannot be seen unless you work as the ranger and I love it that way. Nature remains untouched by human being and it's only inhabitants are animals and plants.
It is possible to visit some tiny zones of this heaven - places located on the outskirts of the park that benefit from tourism. In the post I will focus on one of them, Colonia Carlos Pellegrini.

Stop in Mercedes for few nights

Mercedes city out of the centre

To get to Carlos Pellegrini, first go to the city of Mercedes. The Mercedes itself deserves a few days of attention. It is a very small town, enchanting with its closeness to nature and ... unique culture. If Buenos Aires is the capital of tango, Mercedes is the world capital of Chamamé - music that I would call the country of the south, ballads made by real gauchos, which are very present here. Yes, in Mercedes it's still easy to find Gauchos crossing the city on horseback, in their freshly starched shirts, wide belts, surrounding their hips and characteristic berets. Some tourists will certainly find it attractive to visit one of the many shops selling traditional gaucho products.

Chamamé music from Mercedes

Besides marvelous fauna, flora and culture of the gaucho, it is worth to go out for lunch to La Fonda restaurant and try their degustation menu.

chapel next to the street dedicated to Gauchito Gil

Religious tourists recognize Mercedes thanks to the famous Gauchito Gil sanctuary.
Gauchito Gil was the Argentinian Robin Hood - he was robbing rich and helping to the poor. Vatican doesn't recognize him as the saint but many Argentinians do, especially in the north of the country. They build the chapels dedicated to that person and pray to him asking for help in difficult times.


We are budget travelers, so I cannot recommend you any of the exclusive hotels because I didn't visit them. However, if you are looking for a cheap place to sleep, I recommend one of the campings.

There are two campings in the area: the first one is in Mercedes, near to the river, but I do not recommend spending night there. It is close to the road and buildings and it's dangerous. When we stayed there, our cell phones and shoes were stolen. Moreover, there are no bathrooms there, only a place to make a BBQ. I assume it's a great place to make some picnic but not necessarily to sleep in that place.

Second camping is in the nearby village of Pueblito de las Ratas. Harder to get there, it takes over one hour to walk there from Mercedes but the place is fabulous: it has bathrooms, showers, it's guarded, there are pools, BBQ area, and the nearby river is inhabited by animals like otters. Watch out for spiders and snakes though. That bastards are there as well and I don't think it's a great idea to invite them to your tent.

Otter is eating the lunch

snakes - lovely creatures as far aswe keep the distance

Both campsites are free. For those of you who appreciate a comfortable bed, I recommend cheap hotels located behind the bus station in Mercedes.

Transport to Colonia Carlos Pellegrini

After some rainy days it's impossible to use that road
Buses to Colonia Carlos Pellegrini leaves only once per day, in the early morning. Even though the village is located not so far away from Mercedes, the journey takes hours, because asphalt ends quickly and the bus traverses the rest of the time on a gravel road, occasionally blocked by capybaras or caimans.

Getting out of the village is even more difficult. You can go back to Mercedes the same way, but if nobody wanted to come to Carlos Pellegrini, bus won't leave Mercedes and you will be forced to wait until the next day. If you are planning to go to the other way, towards Posadas, the only way is to rent private transport which is incredibly expensive.

Of course, if you're going to visit Colonia Carlos Pellegrini in your own car, that shouldn't be a problem, but remember to check the weather. After heavy rainfall, the village is cut off from the rest of the world and it is not possible to travel to or from it.

road to Colonia Carlos Pellegrini

Colonia Carlos Pellegrini

Colonia Carlos Pellegrini is a very small village with 900 inhabitants, with several restaurants, a cafe, a camping site, lots of rooms to rent for a night or two and of course a national park right next door.

We stayed at the camping which is private so we had to pay to pitch the tent. I must admit that Carlos Pellegrini is an expensive place. Prices of all services and products differ from prices elsewhere in Argentina. It's often two or even three times higher than in a nearby Mercedes. It's a good idea to do some major grocery shopping before coming to this town to save some money.

I strongly recommend kayaking between caymans

In the village it's possible to participate in many attractions. Some of them are free, others you have to pay for:

  • you can rent kayaks and take a trip on the nearby river
  • you can go on a horseback trip
  • you can visit the Park with a guide for free. A day and night tour is available. You can also visit the park on your own
  • a second, smaller park with many birds and Howlers, the loudest monkeys in the world, is available for free
  • you can make a boat trip and watch the sunset or sunrise from the river

The nearby Ibera Park is home to many interesting animals. You can easily observe here:

  • capybaras
  • caimans
  • roe deer
  • screamers
  • more than 300 species of birds
  • with a bit of luck you will see a Boa or a yaguarete

Look closely. There is boa on that photo


Capybaras are my favourite animals
These wonderful, lazy animals are the largest rodents in the world. They are not dangerous, but touching them is not recommended, as they carry numerous germs. Capybaras are not afraid of humans, they seem to ignore the presence of tourists, taking care of what they like best: mud baths, chewing grass and ... sleeping.

Currently these animals are under special protection
Before Park Ibera was founded, locals were hunting Capybaras for meat

lazy like me. Now you know why I love them so much

that bird is using Capybara as taxi. Rodent don't care much though. He knows that bird will eat some parasites which hides in his fur and it's good for everyone. Full symbiosis


This guy didn't like me too much.

Although they are usually not a threat to humans, keep your distance. Be especially careful when the caiman opens its mouth wide and points it towards you. In this way, animals signal a sense of danger and readiness to attack.

Caymans are not as big as crocodiles but they still could be dangerous
That guy is sleeping. I really don't know why I'm making so many photos of sleeping animals...

Crocodiles, Caymans and alligators are as old as dinosaurs. It's the only archosaurs on the planet

Marsh deer

A species of South American deer that is threatened with extinction. A very skittish animal by nature, but you will certainly be able to spot it. It is enough to go to one of the vantage points and sit down patiently for a moment to see them on the horizon. It is a good idea to take binoculars with you or a camera with a good zoom, because the Marsh deer will not come as close to us as capybara or caiman.

very distinguish animals, unfortunately easy to scare off

Howler monkey

The loudest monkeys in the world, whose screams can be heard even 5 km away. They are very intelligent creatures who don't like the presence of humans. Usually they sit on the highest branches of trees. Be quiet, be patient and walk the trail with your head held high and you will be sure to see them. We managed to find the Howler family. The female, male and kiddo, however, quickly fled from our sight, so the only photos we took are quite blurry.

not the best quality photo, as monkeys are smart enough to hide when they don't want to be seen

The birds

Southern Lapwing

Over 300 species of birds of various shapes and colors diversify our stay in Ibera not only with visual experiences, but above all with colorful, intriguing singing. We were not able to identify all birds, but we recognized some of them, mainly thanks to the knowledge we gained from ornithologists we met elsewhere in Argentina.

Amazon kingfisher

Tiger heron
Cardenal comun

Chestnut-headed tanager

Monk parakeet
Green-barred woodpecker

Southern screamer

Cattle tyrant
Heron, but don't know what type of heron exactly

the Giant Wood Rail

All the photos included in the post belongs to me.

If you want to know me better, here is my achievement 1 

Thank you for reading.
Special thanks to



Mi amigo que hermosas imágenes y publicación en general

Muchissimas gracias!

Muy lindas las fotos y muchos animales, te felicito, espero conocer argentina algún dia. me gustó mucho tu publicación. saludos!


tuve la oportunidad de visitar el Parque Nacional Esteros de Iberá y de verdad que en ningún otro lugar vi una fauna tan vibrante y rica como allá. Hay una armonía tan grande entre las personas y los animales silvestres que te pasan por un lado como si nada. Muy lindo, Gran Galería @Papi.mati te felicito!



Gracias Willeusz - después nacional cuarentena vamos por Parque Iberá otra vez 😁

#affable #argentina

Hola amigo Mateuz yo deseo tanto que tu post sea visto por todos los usuarios de steemit y por el mundo entero, pues nos has traído una joya escritural de eco turismo, eres extraordinariamente bueno haciendo este tipo de publicaciones amigo y recibe mis respetos y mi cariño sincero.
Aquí has ganado a una amiga en el Corazón de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, también inmigrante como tu y con ánimo de ser de bendición a tu vida.
Me contenta saber que en Argentina hallaste un hogar y quisiera que podamos hacer comunidad en Steem Argentina haciendo crecer la plataforma con contenido tan rico como el que nos has traído.
Ya quiero ir a Ibera y hacer un turismo de aventura así como tu (estaré atenta a que no me roben jejeje)

Vos sabéis que en Venezuela los Capibara o Carpiños se les llama Chigüire y son una carne que se come exclusivamente en Semana Santa de forma deshidratada con preparación en mucha sal por meses antes. Es una carne muy rica pero también es un animal en peligro de extinción así que eso la hace mas costosa y difícil de adquirir. Me encantó lo de la simbiosis animal y todo absolutamente todo lo que nos enseñaste hoy en tu post tan didáctico que lo he leído una y otra vez escuchando al Chaqueño Palavecino.

Gracias por participar en el concurso de Tu Sitio Turístico preferido en Argentina. Tienes la entrada N° #7 @papi.mati

#affable #argentina

Que maravilloso comentario, muchissimas gracias por este palabras!

Lamento mucho que mi español sea todavía muy pobre y por eso no puedo escribir tan libremente en ambos idiomas. Me encanta la comunidad que estás creando, puedo ver cuánto trabajo le pusiste y, con suerte, pronto podré escribir más aquí. Me encanta escribir para poder hacer 50 publicaciones por día, pero el problema es el tiempo. por lo general, cuando escribo una publicación, me lleva al menos una hora.

Acerca de la carne de capibara: no estoy seguro de si sería lo suficientemente valiente para probarla;) Me encanta experimentar con comida, pero sobre todo con verduras. Con la carne prefiero el pollo bien conocido 😁

¿Comiste carpincho? ¿A qué sabe?

#affable #argentina

@papi.mati el carpincho es un roedor que también es acuático y su sabor es muy exótico, tiene un fuerte sabor como a pescado de río pero en la versión salada y deshidratada es realmente delicioso, no es comparable con ninguna otra carne. (Mis amigos judíos no lo aprueban por ser un rumiante de pezuña hendida) pero yo como de todo... pregúntale a tu amigo venezolano a ver si ha comido alguna vez Chigüire.
La traducción de tu post está excelente, tu redacción es impecable, demasiado prolija, te felicito de verdad.

Que buen post amigo, cuando pase la cuarentena llevaré a mis niños. Éxitos!


Me encantaron tus fotos, ya quiero que pase la cuarentena para visitar ese parque=)

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