Weekly news from Latin America

in Steem Argentina3 years ago


I have prepared a shortcut with some news from Latin America with the sources below for those of you who are interested in reading more about it. I believe that way I may interest some users from around the world to learn something about our region. As you may assume, Latin America is very rarely in theEuropean news, probably it's equally absent in African and Asian media, so let's use Steemit to spread the information!


Hurricane Grace hit Mexico again, leaving at least 9 deaths. Hurricane Grace got 3rd category 3 on the 5-point Saffir-Simpson scale. It came back to Mexico on Saturday morning, bringing with it heavy rains, causing floods and landslides, killing at least nine people, including one child. Three people are still missing. "Grace" caused significant damage to coastal towns and the city of Xalapa, the capital of the state of Veracruz.

Grace made her first appearance in Mexico last Thursday as a Category 1 hurricane crossing the Yucatan Peninsula. Only material damage was recorded then, no one was killed or injured. Then the hurricane weakened and turned into a tropical storm. Over the Gulf of Mexico, Grace picked up again, hitting the state of Veracruz as a hurricane blowing at least 190 km / h.

After the hurricane passed through the state of Veracruz, it wore off, but meteorologists warn of heavy rainfall that could hit the center of the country, particularly in the states of Chiapas, Morelos, and Guanajuato.

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The minister of foreign affairs resigns after his controversial statements about the Shining Path.
Héctor Béjar, foreign minister in Pedro Castillo's new government, resigned less than three weeks after taking office. It happened after the controversy caused by his statement about the Shining Path. At the beginning of the year, even before becoming minister, Béjar spoke about the origins of the terrorist group, linking its origins with the Peruvian navy. He also stated that Shining Path had been trained by the CIA.

The video of the former minister saying these words was broadcast on Panamericana TV, sparked outrage among members of the Navy and Congress and sparked a wave of criticism on social media. There were protests in front of the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, during which Béjar's resignation was demanded. The Peruvian Navy issued a statement saying that Béjar's words were an insult to all members of this institution and those who are fighting terrorism. The foreign ministry, in turn, said the former minister's statement had been taken out of context.

On Friday evening, Pedro Castillo appointed a new minister to replace Béjara. It is Óscar Maúrtua, a diplomat and former foreign minister in the government of Alejandro Toledo in 2005-2006.

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The Bolivian Prosecutor's Office is submitting a motion to initiate proceedings against Jeanine Áñez over the death of Evo Morales protesters in November 2019.

On Friday, August 20, a case was filed with the Bolivian Supreme Court to initiate a trial against former interim president Jeanine Añez. She is accused of being responsible for the death of protesters in the town of Sacaba, in Cochabamba, as well as in the Senkata district of El Alto, located near La Paz. In total 20 people were killed and tens more injured during a demonstration in November 2019 there. It was then that Añez came to power and Evo Morales left office amid accusations of electoral fraud.

On Saturday, August 21, authorities in Bolivia announced that Áñez, held in pre-trial detention since March, had attempted to self-harm. At a press conference, government minister Eduardo del Castillo said her health was "completely stable" and that she had only "small scratches on one of her arms." Nevertheless, Norka Cuéllar and Luis Adolfo Guillén, the ex-president's lawyers, considered that she was trying to take her own life, thus crying out for help.

Áñez was detained on March 13 and charged with "terrorism, subversion and conspiracy" for an alleged 2019 coup against President Evo Morales. In early August, a judge ordered an extension of her preventive detention by six months.

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New regulations to convict people who "denigrate" the government and the country on the Internet. The authorities have published a series of legal norms regulating the so-called "Cybercrimes" that may be subject to criminal prosecution. According to the government, the aim of the regulation is to "increase cybersecurity in order to secure the use of telecommunications services". Cuban public media argue that the indicated legal changes will ensure “an ethical and good Internet for society”.

In a list published by the Ministry of Communications, the government included 17 prohibited acts that pose a threat to the country's cybersecurity. "Subversive activity" understood as "attempts to disturb public order and promoting the lack of social discipline", "cyberterrorism" defined as actions aimed at "overthrowing the constitutional order", "disseminating false information", "offensive content" or "defamation" were considered potentially dangerous. influencing the country's prestige ”. These terms have not been further defined in the wording of the regulation.

According to the deputy minister of communication, Wilfredo Gonzáles, as the effect "no one will be able to distort the truth" and reveal any scandals related to the country and the politicians.
The changes have aroused criticism in the international community and among human rights organizations. José Miguel Vivanco, executive director for the Americas at Human Rights Watch, stated that the norms "grossly violate international standards in the field of freedom. Statements, sanctioning those who publish "false information" or affect "public morality" or "country prestige" - can be used by the government to censor public opinion.

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Latin America offers help and shelter to the people of Afghanistan. On August 15, the Taliban took over Kabul and most of Afghanistan, regaining power after the final withdrawal of NATO troops that had been stationed there since 2001. Almost immediately, countries around the world, including Latin America, began evacuating their citizens in Afghanistan and those Afghans who had cooperated with foreign governments.

Uruguay announced the evacuation to Germany of two Uruguayan humanitarian workers who were volunteers for one of the NGOs. Argentine citizens working for the same organization were also evacuated.

Colombia has agreed to temporarily host Afghans who have worked with the US government (some media say it may be as high as 4,000 people) until the US processes their immigration visas. Chile announced it would host at least 10 Afghan families, giving priority to women, journalists, and humanitarian activists, and Costa Rica announced it will give shelter to 48 Afghan women who are linked to the United Nations in Afghanistan. Ecuador also expressed its willingness to help especially women and children, but no further details were given on the evacuees and their numbers.

Mexico's Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard said the Mexican government has already started processing asylum applications for Afghan refugees. Applications are made through the Mexican Embassy in Iran.

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The pigeon race in Latin America is over. Racing pigeon teams from Mexico, Ecuador, and Argentina won medals in the final of the Derby Íbero-Latinoamericano Ailac México 2021 - competition that has been running since June this year.
In the final race of 404 kilometers from the city of Sinaloa to Nayarit in Mexico, the Mexican pigeon number 121456 was the first to finish, moving at a speed of 77 km. In second place was the Ecuadorian pigeon number 37, after a seven-hour flight at a speed of 76 km. The Argentine carrier pigeon reached a speed of 66 km and took third place.

The participating pigeons are trained to be able to return to their loft from long distances. They should travel the route at the highest possible speed, which is measured by special clocks. Even though the birds are well trained, they can be killed on the way by hawks or crash into electrical installations.

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Thank you for reading,

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