`Who is a professional Teacher?

in Steem4Professionals4 months ago

Warmest greetings to my steemian friends. Hope we all are good and Happy Easter Sunday🙌🔥

I am @owulama and I am super excited to take part in this contest titled "Who is a professional Teacher"

And this being my first post in this community makes me even more happier.



What is your definition of a professional Teacher?

Before I tell us what I understand by what a professional Teacher means, I will tell us a bit about who is a teacher and what professional means?

A teacher can be referred to as an expert who is able to impart knowledge and also help students , learners build, identify and acquire skills or knowledge that will be used to face the challenges of life.
A teacher can simply be seen as a person who teaches or instructs, especially if that's the persons profession.

Professional in the other hand is a person who is experienced, licensed, efficient and competent in his own field of work.

Therefore a professional teacher is being knowledgeable and passionate about one's material, building a genuine and authentic relationship with students.

A professional teacher is also that person who has classroom management, creating a respectful and supportive classroom environment, being able to plan ahead and being organized, always being open to new ideas and learning at all times, appreciating diversity, and being able to make students understand complicated or hard subjects.



In other words, professional teacher is that person who is licensed, and possesses dignity and have high reputation with moral values as well as professional competence.

A professional teacher is also that person who has professional knowledge in teaching and being able to use them effectively and efficiently during the teaching process. A professional teacher is that tool that can enhance successful implementation of the educational system.

And some of the qualities of this professional teacher are: engaging classroom presence, ensuring that all the students are following, Having lots of value in real-world learning, exchange of best practices and a lasting and passionate love for teaching and learning as well.

How do we differentiate a professional Teacher from those who are in the field for just the salary?

There are a lot of ways to differentiate between a professional teacher and those who are in the field just for the salary.

A professional teacher portrays the following qualities, a professional teacher has empathy and patience for the students, Adaptability , effective communication skills, a good listener, etc. Unlike the one's who are there for just the salary you can hardly find them with any of this qualities.

Professional teachers are always passionate and serious with their jobs. Ensuring that they go to teach each time the have class, making sure that all the students are listening attentively, and also ensuring that the students understand that course or subject, no matter how hard it might seems.

They will do all that they can to ensure that everyone present in that class understands.
Infact the way the teach and handle students alone in the class is usually unique and interesting.....



But for the teachers who are just there for the money, they're usually not passionate about what they are doing, they don't even bother or care whether the students are understanding or not.

All they're bothered about is just to enter the class just to fulfill all righteous, but doesn't pays attention to know whether the students are understanding or not.

You can't see a professional teacher who is not Open to learning new things especially things that has to do with their specialization, who doesn't know well about their course or don't study to know more so to impact the best into the students.

But those ones who are there just for the salary don't usually bother about all this

What are the criteria for becoming a professional Teacher?

To become a professional teacher, an individual is expected to have passed through alot of training that js related to classroom management, proper use of instructional materials in teaching etc.

To become a professional teacher, you must have attended and earn a certification in education, that's to attend the college of education and obtain your (NCE Certificate),

then further to the University to obtain your degree certificate, after there are also alot of training and workshops that you need to attend and gain knowledge in order to become a professional in the teaching field.

To be qualified to be called a professional teacher, you must be ready to continually develop yourself through attending professional teacher training courses and programs that will be organized specifically for the teachers.

Another criteria for becoming a professional teacher is having classroom experience, it is a must for any qualified professional teacher.

To be a professional teacher you also need to be duly licensed to be called a professional teacher, This is the bench for entry into any profession in the world, not just the teaching aspects self.

You can be educated and have acquired the knowledge and certifications, yet you still need to obtain the acceptable license from a recognized body in the country. Like for the teaching field, that's for the teachers in Nigeria, you will still need to be licensed by the teachers registration council of Nigeria (TRCN), in order to be a professional.

One of the criteria is also ensuring that you have a good communication skills, as those skills will be needed in terms of teaching, setting of tests or examination questions, and talking with either parents or other school system members. All this skills will definitely be required from you, if you want to become not just a teacher but a professional teacher.

Do you think those who are there for the salary can offer same thing with professionals Who has passion for their work.

No not all. Those who are there for the salary won't or can't offer the same thing with professionals who have passion for their work.

Teachers who are professional will usually teach more better than those who are just there for the salary.

A professional teacher can contribute immensely to the educational system or sector whereas those that are there won't be able to contribute anything positively for the growth of the educational sector.

They way the professionals handles students in class is very much different from the way a person who is there just for the money will teach.

So those who are there just for the money cannot be in any way compared to the professionals.

What is your say/ Experience about this two in the field of teaching.?

I have a lot of experience about this two in the field of study.
While in secondary you can easily detect those who are professional and those who are just there for the money.

OThe professionals are usually eager to go into the classroom to teach and are always serious with their job.

Whereas those who are there just for the money are usually not serious with teaching or even their jobs. They usually comes to school at their own will and also teaches at their own will too, not minding if the students will be negatively affected by their actions.

The professionals are also much more better than the those who are there just for the money in diverse aspects like classroom management, being passionate about their job, relating well with the students to enhance better understanding in the class etc.

Thank you for reading through my post. I'm grateful and appreciate it alot 🙏🙏..

Warmest regards!,💕

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