Which is better for succeeding in life? (Job/Entrepreneur).

in Steem4Professionals23 days ago (edited)

Hello steemians! Welcome to my post, Am so happy to participate in this contest organize by @mahadisalim in this great community please journey with me as we dive into the topic fully.

Firstly who is an entrepreneur?
An entrepreneur is someone that owns a business or a brand whereby he/she take the risk to achieve alot and also bear the loss alone.

What is the reason you like the entrepreneur?

One of the reasons why I like enterpreneurs is that he/she can create and innovate new ideas that will help to grow their business, Entrepreneurship isn't easy like the way people see it, one thing is the start the business another thing is to be consistent even when sales are slow or when he/she is discouraged but still try to push harder.


Enterpreneurs have the perfect schedule because you literally can create time for yourself on like working the regular nine to five work where you need to stick to the rules of the organization.

Enterpreneurs don't look down on opportunity that doesn't mean white collar jobs don't embrace opportunity as well but their case is they love taking risk for the business and trying out new opportunities knocking on their doors.

Enterpreneurs have a unconventional ideas like they literally do things their on way, the way they feel is profiting for the business.

Enterpreneurs are hard working people for example Nancy has a shoe making company where she produce quality shoe and she has so many staff, apprentice under her, in such a way she has help people in giving employment to various individuals and making them know the value of having a business.

✅ If you are an entrepreneur, could you share your story with us? Or could you share the story of someone around you or someone you know?

Currently am aspiring to be an enterpreneurs, am still sourcing for finance to fully settle down on Enterpreneurship. I know a lady who sells Akara(bean cake) in my area, my God that lady is making money because every morning alot of people will gather her shop to buy Akara(bean cake) most times I wonder 🤔 why crowd is always there because she's very creative in making her Akara delicious and unique.

While other people are just frying their grinded beans with just salt this lady with add onion, crayfish, pepper and some other ingredients to make it taste good, so people from various community always troop in to her Akara spot including me.


✅ What is the reason for the employment more than the entrepreneur? Share your opinion.

Enterpreneurship deals with more expenses,budget for your business while employment just requires an individual to focus in putting their best in the company and working hard for the company.

Also finance is another reason why people go get a job, currently I work in a pharmacy to earn and gather up so I can be an enterpreneurs soon.

Lastly when there's an individual doesn't have skills to start a business he/she will just settle for employment.


I will like to invite @josepha @marito74 and @kidi40 to participate in this contest

25% to @null


Being an entrepreneur is not easy because it is for those who are ready to take risks and ready for any challenges. It is good to become an entrepreneur because owning a business of your own can be inherited by your children, but it is not easy because of the capital involved. Thanks for the invite and good luck to you.

Yes it's not easy dear, An individual must be ready to take the risk and bear the loss alone, thanks for stopping by 🎉


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