Who is a professional Teacher?



Teachers play crucial role in the society, and it is very important to know that without the help of teachers, certain knowledge won't be gained. When talking about other professions, such as, Medical doctors, Engineers, Pilot and many others, it should always come to our mind that, all this professions can only be groomed by a good professional teacher, cause without proper teaching, they won't be an Engineer, Pilot and many others, it takes only a professional teacher to ensure that, other goals in other profession are achieved.

Who is a professional teacher?


Firstly, it should be understood that there is a big difference between a professional teacher and a teacher, anybody can be a teacher, as far as they convey ideas and knowledge to others and also guide other through their own experience in life, but it takes few to be a professional teacher, because it requires certain steps in the educational system for this medal to be achieved.

Furthermore, it can be said that, a professional teacher is one who undergoes educational training, which involves certain criterion, such as completing high school, and as well as college, owning a first degree certificate and as of other qualification in other to qualify as a professional teacher for example, in Nigeria, for you to be recognize as a professional teacher, one of the primary factor they consider is that, you must at least be a graduate in one of the prestigious university in or across Nigeria, and a professional teacher is always paid for his or her service.

How do we differentiate a professional Teacher from those who are in the field for just the salary?

One of the ways to differentiate between a professional teacher and those who are in the field for just the salary is that, a professional teacher think out of box, on how to carry all the student along, though he is being paid, but his major concern is on how to help the students understand and acquire some basic ideas about a particular subject, he possesses some good qualities such as;

  • Patience This is one of the most important quality a professional teacher would possess, knowing too well that, each students have their own strength and weaknesses, so it takes only a professional teacher to follow up each student, to ensure that he is able to meet up with other student.

  • Passion Not every who go to school or who are graduate, would want to be a teacher. In that case, a professional teacher are one, who have the zeal and long passion for teaching, and have gone, as far as, achieving other qualifications,in other to become a professional teacher.

  • Endurance A professional teacher is one who would endure the pains of stressing every day and night, to make sure a student understand a topic.

Moreover, those who are in the field for just the salary, do not possess these qualities, since there are teaching for the money, they won't have that patience to carry everyone, they would only carry along people who are fast enough to understand the topic, they don't have that passion for teaching, just that, they fall into it by chance or by the situation around them, they can't even stand the pain of teaching even when salary is not allocated to them, as at when expected, and they quit easily.

Criteria for becoming a professional Teacher?

Other countries may have their criteria for one, in becoming a professional teacher, but here in Nigeria, the following are the criteria in becoming a professional teacher

  • Must obtain and clear O'level result Here the O'level result shows that, you have pass through high school, this is one of the criteria you must pass, in other to become a professional teacher in Nigeria.

  • Must be a graduate For one to be called graduate, you must have completed your first degree program, and earn what we call, first degree in any distinguish field of your choice.

  • Must go National service and earn a certificate After graduating from the higher institution, in other to become a professional teacher, you must serve the country, and earn a certificate, this program is known as National Youth service corps (NYSC). Where graduate called corp members, are posted to different state, to carry out their national service, which is for a period of one year and in the end, they will earn their national certificate.

Can those who are there for the salary offer same thing with professionals Who has passion for their work?

The truth here is, those who are there for the salary can only offer half, of what those professionals who have the passion for their work would, and even if they might be able to offer the same, they will eventually get tired of it, cause it must have been driven by certain factors, which if these factors fade, they will withdraw from it, because there was no passion for the job.

Experience about this two in the field of teaching?


Firstly, I would start by saying, as a student, I have an experience, of learning under a teacher who teaches because of the salary and a professional teacher, who teaches because of his passion for teaching, would love write down these, in one story.

When i was in primary five, then we had two teachers, the head teacher and the assistant. I could boldly say, that the assistant teacher for class five, was one of my best teachers in that school, proven to the fact that he did possess good quality a teacher should possess, he was always passionate about his teaching job, he make sure that we all understood the subject. Back then mathematics was always the toughest subject for many students, I didn't like it either and we're all scared of it, but before i left primary five, the assistant class teacher by name, Mr Joe made mathematics my best subject, because he took his time to teach us, he even organises free lesson for his students, after school and even during holidays when other classes went for school break, he created another means for us to understand even the most difficult topic for us in mathematics, he was always listening to know where we had problem and was there to help, as for the head teacher, he would always complain, when we get something wrong, and then bounce out of the classroom, comes to school late and even stay back sometimes if salary was not paid, also sometimes transferred his anger towards us, saying that, we are the cause of him not being paid.

To cut everything short, in this my little experience just at when i was in primary five, i would say that student would deserve a good teacher as Mr Joe, who would always be there for them, even going extra mile in other to carry them along. And teacher please should not teach because of the salary but should do it with passion, for the sake of the future of other profession and even Teaching profession itself.


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