Title: Challenges faced as a Student in Nigeria.


Being a student can be exciting and enriching experiences, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. From managing academic pressure and time constraints to navigating social relationships and personal growth.


Challenges I faced as a Student in my country

There were so many challenges I faced as a student in my country while I was a student but then I believed every challenges makes us better and stronger. While I was in school there was many things that went wrong for me especially because of the system of government in my country.

I faced lots of hardships from financial difficulties to inconvenience learning environment. I schooled in a country where tuition fees are always raised without considering how we were going to pay for it.

I schooled in a country where students house rent is higher than a government workers apartment, it was so hard to the extent someone of us could not pay for a single room with public toilet.

As a child who has promised my parents to hold up no matter the conditions, I held onto my promises of not giving up or living any kind of life because I needed to survive. I’m a very proactive student. I can do any job that is legitimate to survive. But then I will tell you how I was able to scale through the hard times.

First, I started a drop shipping business, from the little money I was given to survive in school, I would go and buy flat shoes(nursing shoes) at the rate of #2400 and go to sell it in the department to the girls for #4800 that is at the end of the business I will gain #2400. I continued like this for a whole month and I was so proud of how far I was going and I’ve learned from being a business person.

Secondly, I used some of the profits I got from the drop ship to buy vintage shirts (unisex). I pay a professional designer to buy the material and make the shirts, different sizes and I was showcasing it on all my social media platforms to get customers. I get the clothes from the designer for #,6000 and I sell for #11,000. It was a bit stressful but I have to do it to survive.

Now this was how I was able to combine the business with my studies, during resumption, I would resume with all the products I’m to sell because it was assumed that student used to be loaded(rich) at the early semester and they would buy anything. If I sell everything I have before two months of resumption and I see that lectures is becoming more serious, I would give it a break and immediately after exams I start again because there are people who I deliver to in different states to.

My target audiences were not mainly students so I know how and when to reach the different audiences. With this I was able to make more money both on campus and outside campus. I was so proud of myself that I could come up with such a brilliant idea and my dad was more proud of me than I thought. Life as a student In my country was so difficult and even more difficult now because some persons have to drop out of school to work and be able
To feed let alone pay school fees.

I hope that God will help us one day with good leaders that would give the poor and middle classes hope of survival. Because with each day that passes it becomes even more difficult 😞.


In conclusion

Being a student is a journey loaded with challenges that can test one's resolve, buoyancy , and determination. While these challenges can be demanding, they also present opportunities for growth, learning, and self-discovery.

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I’m also inviting @m-fdo @bossj and @uzma4882 to participate in this contest.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to reading from you too.


The journey to self growth in Nigeria is very demanding. It feels like living in hell

You really understands the struggle 😩😩
And everyday it gets even more difficult

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