Buy Domain With Bitcoin: Top 10 Domain Registrars That Accept Bitcoin [2021 Guide]

in DLIKE3 years ago (edited)

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Our observations and notes

There is still a misconception among people that not many businesses are accepting cryptocurrencies. In fact this is not true. The travel industry and domain industry were one among the few businesses that started accepting cryptocurrencies long before others even considered accepting cryptocurrencies. 

We still see very senior executives making claims that Bitcoin has no legitimate use case. In a recent news reported:  

Minneapolis Federal Reserve President Neel Kashkari says crypto is "95% fraud, hype, noise, and confusion." He added, "I've not seen any use case other than funding illicit activities like drugs and prostitution."

Remarks such as the above clearly show how divorced they are from reality, yet they hold high positions in society.  

The article shared in the link below lists ten (10) domain registrars who accept cryptocurrencies. 


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That is interesting that travel and domain registration companies in particular are so far ahead of other industries when it comes to accepting crypto. I wonder why!

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STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63835.35
ETH 2630.22
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.82