YouTube Is Misleading You. Help Us Make It Better

in DLIKE4 years ago (edited)

Shared From DLIKE

At 1:28 — No, I don't want YouTube to stop people from uploading or watching misinformative videos. Free speech is paramount and must not be compromised.

That you are calling for censorship is just another disappointment after you other channel MinutePhysics has virtual signalled for BLM. I have already unsubscribed MinutePhysics now I unsubscribe MinuteEarth as well. By by dorky stick figures.


No, I don't want YouTube to stop people from uploading or watching misinformative videos. Free speech is paramount and must not be compromised.

So sad... virtual signalling is more important than facts.

Like that "autonomous" zone, that is anything but autonomous.
They haven't even gotten a real garden going.

Switch gas, water and electricity off and demand they pay in advance before switching on again and watch them disintegrate.

Or extract money from their citizen at gunpoint to pay the essentials.

And then disintegrate when nothing is left to extract.

At 1:28 — No, I don't want YouTube to stop people from uploading or watching misinformative videos. Free speech is paramount and must not be compromised.

1000% THIS.




I'm all for going to a 100% "fact based" entertainment and news format, BUT WE'LL HAVE TO ERRADICATE 99.9999% OF WHAT'S CURRENTLY PASSING AS "FACT BASED".

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