STEEM Promotion Contest - Promote Steem on Twitter || Entry By @tayetaiwo

in DLIKE3 years ago


The Tweet Link


Hello steemains, I welcome you all to my blog today.

This is my first ever post on this community, when I saw this promotion contest I knew straight away that I have no choice than to participate. I joined steemit around late September last year. But I wasn't active due to some personal reasons, I came back around January this year. And since then I have been making post and in return I earn good money.

Let discussed about Steem and how it changes life.

Like I stated earlier I wasn't active when I first join this platform not untill January this year.

Steem is a digital coin, or let me say a cryptocurrency. You can buy or sell it on exchanges that listed it. And the good thing about it you can earn it for free, yes I mean for free, there is a platform called Steemit here you share your post and earn Steem and you can sell the Steem for your local currency. It just has simple has that.

Steen has been a life changer, it has positively changed my life, I paid off all my debts including my Mum debts with the money I earned on this platform. I have invited alot of my friends and they are doing great. Some of them are house owner now thanks to Steem.

As a New user what are the benefits

  • You earn money for sharing original content, if you are a photographer you earn by posting your pictures, if you are a content creator you earn for sharing your contents, if you are an artist you earn for sharing your artwork.

Do you know you can invest on Steem and earn good rewards.

Yes, you earn has an investor, when I joined Steem, the price of Steem was around $0.2 and it eventually rise and reached $1.44, has an investor if you have invested on Steem you would have earned X5 or your capital this is amazing isn't it.

Not only that you earn for staking your Steem to the network this process is called powering up, when you power up you have alot of benefits which includes;

  • Your Steem increased at 3.46% APR, that is you earned some interest at annual rate.

  • You earned through Curation, Steem power gives you the ability to curate people's post and in return you earn 50% of the payout post

How to Create Steem Account using

You can create account using this link I will illustrate how to go about it with relevant screenshoots

Step 1: visit and navigate to create account, then click on Create Steem Account


Step 2: Entered your preferred username, and click on Continue


Step 3: Entered your username again, your valid email and also a password (strong password) and click on Sign up


Step 4: a code will be sent to the email your provided, go the the email and copy the code and paste it on the space and click on confirm.


Congratulations you have successfully created a Steem account, now you can share and earn rewards


You can create a Steemit account using this link, use your valid phone number and email


Steem has been the best thing that has ever happened to me, I have invited alot of my friends and non of them regretted it.

I'm using this medium to encourage everyone especially the newbies not to give up, Steem is here to stay forever.

I thank @dlike for this amazing contest, promoting Steem has been my thing and I promise to keep promoting Steem.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.12
JST 0.027
BTC 60185.13
ETH 3290.40
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.44