Few Attacks on Russian Activists Ever Lead to Criminal Charges, ‘Novaya Gazeta' Says

in DLIKE3 years ago


Staunton, April 5 – Investigators from Novaya gazeta identified 92 cases over the last three years in which activists were attacked on the streets of Russian cities and queried local investigative and prosecutorial institutions about what happened in each case (novayagazeta.ru/articles/2021/04/06/ulichnyi-terror-podderzhivaetsia-gosudarstvom).

            They asked how many of those who had carried out such attacks had been arrested, how many had been charged with crimes, and how many had been punished for their actions. Many officials said they didn't understand the question; others refused to answer citing confidentiality concerns; and only a few answered they simply could not provide such information to the media.

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