Steem promotion contest #11 - promote steem on Twitter - 150 steem prize Twitter

in DLIKE3 years ago

Hello everyone, good day to you all and welcome to my blog. In my today post, I will be participating in a contest hosted by @dlike I must state that I am excited to engage myself with activities like this on this wonderful platform.

However, this contest is known to me that I should promote steemit on my Twitter letting my viewers know about steemit Blockchain.

Well, here is my tweet concerning steemit


Do you know that with just a smart phone you can make daily thousands of cash in dollars, by writing and posting from your very comfort.

I blog on a blockchain social media platform called steemit.

What is steemit?

Steemit pays it's users in dollars for writing and posting on the platform.
I got to know about steemit through a friend,

Are you a content creator, writer, blogger or you want to learn?, steemit is for you.

Now what kind of content can you put up on steemit that can earn you some cash...?

  • Can you cook...?
  • Are you good in story telling...?
  • Are you good in singing or dancing...?
  • Are you into any craft/handwork...?
  • Are you a motivational speaker...?
  • Are you a scientist...?
  • Are you a sports lover...?
  • Are you interested in learning about cryptocurrencies and getting advanced in crypto trading...?
  • Whatever your profession or line of trade is as long as you can read and write, steemit is for you

At this point, i know you are interested and cannot wait to join.
click in the reply to connect with or
visit or

let's get started

Link to my Facebook tweet


I appreciate who ever is reading my steem promotional tweet.



Best regards

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 66431.69
ETH 3459.44
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.60