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RE: Experts lament collapse of marriage in America, warn of deadly consequences | News | LifeSite

in DLIKE4 years ago

And the other elephant in the room.

What is in it for men from marriage?

It used to be enforced by society and rewarded by society.

  • Now, all the women encourage wives to divorce (for cash and prizes)
  • It is common, standard, normal to hook up with a married woman.
  • Sex for the majority of men goes down after marriage.
  • Marriage doesn't even protect you from rape allegations anymore.
  • It used to be married men were more likely to get hired (because they were presumed to be more stable, now the single person is more likely to get hired because their schedule is open.

i can go on and on.

Sadly, i can't make a similar list for benefits of marriage for men.

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