Steeming Diaries CONTEST Of The Month (September 2021) | Steemit FAQ| Entry post by @old-dad

in Steeming Diaries3 years ago

Hi friends,

This is my first contest entry post. I hope everyone will appreciate it. I like to join this contest as I am already reading the FAQ section for the last few days as I don't have much idea. If I did something wrong then please correct me.

Q.1 What can users post to Steemit? What Need to make sure of before publish a post?

I am very new to the steemit platform till the date I shared my daily activities. But I saw many authors post valuable information about crypto, photography, and many other tutorials. In short, you can share all the things which you want but even we have this freedom we have to follow some rules and regulations for posting like we can't share other authors' posts or posts that spread hate speech against any caste or community.

As per my view, the author should post quality content that gives some value to its readers as we earn something from this platform we should provide some value to readers.

Q.2 Can I earn digital tokens for commenting? What's your view about commenting and how we can work on it to improve?

Yes comments also treated same as post and it also count in our total post. My views on comments is we have to read the post and according to give feedback on the post. So author will know where they want to improve themself. Before commenting on the post just remember one thing never hurt anyone or demotivate other because for their post they did lot of hard if you think the author should improve their skill so provide your suggestion to author without hurting them.

Q.3 Why are people getting vastly different rewards? What users need to set expectations on Steemit? how users can improve earnings?

As per my experience steemit gives rewards in TRX, SP(Steem power), Steem and SBD as in this 3 earnings author will liquidate the TRX,Steem and SBD immediately but SP will helps to increase the power of author on steemit and later on it gives author vote value.

As per my observation steemit is looking to improve their authors financial condition and also makes them strong socially by providing them SP and that SP user can use to help other newcomers by voting on their post. Its perfectly show that steemit wants to build economically strong communities .

There is one pharse in Hindi "Karm karta chal phal ki chinta mat kar" it means never get stress of results you can do your work you will get good results as per your work. Same thing is applicable on steemit. User should work on their content and steemit will reward as per their quality of content.

To improve earning users should spend time or spend money. If user has so much money than he should buy big quantity of steem from the market and convert it into the steem power and user can earn thousands of dollar just by voting to others. If user has not big amount of money than he should have to invest time on steemit and work on the content. He should give value to their readers.

Q.4 What is the Curation Reward & In which assets we received the Curation Reward? how users can improve and increase earnings from Curation Reward?

The good thing in steemit is user can earn tokens by voting other users . This kind of voting rewards called curation reward in the steemit and it is receiving in Steem power. I read their in FAQ section there is some time frames decided for the curation reward and to get maximum curation rewards user should vote others by keeping 5 Minutes gap between the votes.

Q. 5 Plagiarism, Spam, and Abuse, What is considered spam or abuse?

Plagarism simply refers to the copy other authors post without their permission and publish it as their own content. And spam or abuse refers to the malicious link sent in the wallet memo or in the comment section. Such thing mostly did by the hackers and their purpose behind it to stole your all the earning. If you see that in anywhere please don't click on that.

Q.6 What is Reputation? How do I improve my reputation score?

After reading the cryptocannon post and faq section reputation is just like your marks. It will increase if you get upvotes on the steemit and if someone who's reputation more than you are downvotes you than it will decreases. To improve the reputation simply refers to produce quality content and this will only thing to help you to build the reputation.

Q.7 What should I do if I discover that someone hacked my account? How does the stolen account recovery process work? What precautions need to avoid account not hacking?

The first thing is to change all the keys of the account and also inform about them to steemit community and aware about everyone about that. Afte that I also inform the official over the mail. But its better to prevent such thing.

Firstly to prevent the hacking we always using our posting key to login the account and never do login or authorized unknown apps. In some scenario people will give offers like free money and all. Never trust on that and never click on such thing.

Conclusion (What is the Importance Of Steemit FAQ?)

Steemit FAQ helps us to understand about the steemit platform instead of asking other people we should have to read steemit faq section as it clear lot of concepts of and at least you know all the basic things about the platform

This is my first try in the contest and I am happy to hear your feedback and suggestion

Warm Regards,


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