I Love India : Savandurga

in Steeming Diaries4 years ago (edited)

Savandurga The Rocky Paradise

The carved steps on the massive granite rock lead us to the aged ruined temple upon it (one of the many around this area). This particular one is situated at the base of Savandurga, and will provide us with shelter for the night. The 6-foot stone wall surrounding it behind is a perfect place for us to sit and watch the pleasant sunset, accompanied by a lonely Eurasian Eagle Owl (bubo bubo) hooting to its mate from the rocks above and the chattering of the swifts high above in the dark cloudy sky.
We are sitting at the base of Savandurga in the edge of the forest looking at the vast sky above us. It sure is getting dark. We set up to sleep after having our packed dinner. Thunder starts with rain, and this old temple roof starts to leak. We find the driest spot and sleep to wake up in a wet sleeping bag next morning. The morning sky is brilliant now.

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Savandurga is a large monolithic granite rock standing 4500ft high from sea level and 300m high from ground level (and in the top 3 largest monolith in Asia), consisting of two peaks Billibetta and Karibetta. Located just 40 km from Bangalore (Off Magadi road) this ancient rock is spectacular. Rock climbers and explorers relish this place, where the old Kempagowda fort walls still stands. The rocks here create many attractive formations along with many large and small caves and crevices.


Savandurga has steep slopes on either sides and ways to reach to the Shri Basavesura temple on top are few. The view from the windy top is truly majestic, the rocky landscape expanding into the horizon, interspersed with cultivated fields and a large reservoir to one side.

Grass, ferns, trees all grows on the heights of this enormous rock, in places where the soil is able to support them. Many boulders are placed on and around it. Natural ponds have formed on the rocks, which are rich in many different types of organisms, acting as waterholes in turn supporting larger wild life, and the reserve forest surrounding Savandurga providing them a sanctuary.



The landscape in this area is truly fascinating, with these mighty volcanic rocks which have been standing here for millions of years. The hilly land, the cool breeze and the rocks, make this place really angelic and total. The different departments whose works have influences in this area (Forest, Tourism, Village panchayats, etc) should help to retain this pristine and rare landscape. It would be a great loss if it were lost.

#iloveindia #india


Nice to see this place.

The place is beautiful, but the only problem I found that the post is to short

I will edit it and make it longer. But it has been kept within your limits of 200 words.

I am not the brother I just advised, if the looks beautiful then it may have bigger chances of winning

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