I Confirm this prayer in Jesus' name. Amen.!

What God has for me it is for me
I know without a doubt and I confirm His word
The Lord shall perfect everything that concerns me

Oh Lord i pray this day that you forgive the sins of my past
Forgive my little or no faith in you
Forgive the little trust and confidence I once had in you
Forgive my fears and wavering faith
Forgive me for not believing in you nor wanting to
Forgive me for thinking I could do it on my own
Forgive me for trusting and depending on my own ability and strength.
Lord forgive my inability to solemnly rest my everything on you
Forgive me for not seeking your face and help in my past life and situations.

Lord I am at your throne once again
Pleading for your mercy
My own strength once failed me
My ability shamed me
They all turn their backs on me
Lord I couldn't do anything but cry in my despair
And so Lord, I need you this time
I trust and put all my confidence in you.
Lord I believe you are the only way out and nothing more
Lord please I need your help
I solely pledge my whole life to you
Help me seek thee more even after I've gotten everything I want in life.
My prayers is in Jesus' Holy Name, Amen.!

Your Daughter


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