The blessing of the Lord makes on rich and He adds no sorrow with it," Proverbs 10:22 NKJV

It should interest you to know that this is one of my best Scriptures. Know why? It's because there is always a lesson I learn from this Bible verse very day I read through it.

There is no gain in saying that everyone in life always desire to be blessed or receive favours from one place or a person, but I am not certain if it is everyone that knows what it takes to be blessed or the procedure that they perhaps should follow.

Indeed every believer wakes up everyday with prayers in their hearts and on their lips, and most often 100% percent of the prayers always centres on the popular theme "bless me oh Lord" However, it should be noted that there is a condition or terms that you must follow in other to get blessed by God.

You must therefore seek everyday to discover the secret of the blessing which we pray everyday to have. Also we ought to know how to position ourselves for i order to be blessed by God. You ought to know what to do and what not to do in order to assess the blessings that we so desire.

You ought to know where to go to in order to assess this blessing as well as the person that you are connected to so not to miss out from the blessing. I was forced to stop by to reflect on this point. Indeed, there are people whom we have in life that may attract favours to us and there are others who would be a big barrier to our blessings.

For instance, looking at Abraham and Lots his relative. Lot was a huge hindrance to Abraham's blessings. In fact, the more that Lot stayed, the more he was a burden to Abraham because they never stayed without strives among their herdsmen.

However, when they amicably chose to go separate ways, the Bible records that the Lord showed Himself to Abraham and poured out generational blessing to him and generations that came after him.

In terms of positioning or place factor as a variable to being blessed. Abraham looked beyond the physical looks when he was about choosing. In fact he gave Lot the opportunity to make a choice of the land that they wish to go and dwell and Lot failed the test by using his Physical eyes and of course he chose wrongly.

This goes to prove that looks of a truth can be deceitful. I thank God that Abraham did not hurry to chose. Of course you know that his choice was the better one. Today, I want you to please pray God to direct you in all that you need to do and for certain you will not lose or fail in Jesus name, amen.

Receive the grace to get positioned for the blessing from God that is coming your way in Jesus name, amen.
You shall not miss the blessing like Esau did in the Bible in Jesus name, amen.

Action point

Take a bold step to quarantine your friends list of unwanted friends that would not attracts God's blessing.
Be bold, the Lord bless you as you'd do so in Jesus name, amen.

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