The acquisition of knowledge is not said to be real, until the content of God in such acclaimed knowledge is ascertained. How much of God you have in your knowledge determines how rich your knowledge is. Life is all wrapped in the knowledge of God:

“And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, Whom Thou hast sent” (John 17:3).

Life is all about knowing God. There are all forms of knowledge which men struggle to acquire today. In all of our pursuit for knowledge, we must not fail to pay heed to this primary form of knowledge. There is no form of knowledge that thrives beyond this realm, other than the true knowledge of God. Whatever form of knowledge it is, they shall fail, only the knowledge of God survives beyond this realm. This is why it is very true that – “Know Jesus, know life and no Jesus no life”. The knowledge of God needs to be given priority in our lives; because, with all said and done, the knowledge of God is what stands.

Your knowledge of medicine for example, is not needed in heaven; but your knowledge of God stands to be celebrated in heaven: For then we shall see him face to face, we shall see Him as He is. The eternal value content of your knowledge is what stands to be reckoned with. The Bible says in 1Corinthians 13:8

“Whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away”.

You can’t afford to build your life on that which is meant to vanish; if you do, you are likely going to suffer the same fate. If you build your life on God and the knowledge of His Word, you are said to be living; because, life is knowing God and His Son Jesus Christ Whom He sent.

It is one thing to know God and it is another thing to retain Him in your knowledge. You retain God in your knowledge when you have proved Him for yourself and you’ve found Him to be true. The Bible enjoins us to

“Prove all things; hold fast that which is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21).

Until you are able to prove God for yourself, to the point that He becomes a personal reality in your life; you really can’t retain Him in your knowledge. At that point; it is simply hear say and all such will not take you far. The retention of God in your knowledge is the empowerment you have used to be sustained by knowledge. How rich is your knowledge?

  • The eternal value content of your knowledge is what stands to be reckoned with.

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