Prayers For Steemit, Inc.


It's time for us as Christian communities on Steemit blocks to pray for our their company on our heart. Though, no one plans evil thing to happen to our great company-that's Steemit, Inc. Hopeful, if it should thrive well from strength to strength, & from grace to grace, prayer also stands to be one factor. That's why we have @christianfellowship & @steemchurch playing the major roles here as spreading the Gospel & at the same time intervening for the company & people operating.

What is necessary as Apostle Paul said in the Book of Ephesians to have great affections for such believers & fellowship of Steemit, Inc. is to seek the great welfare to be able to continually thrive well:

"Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;(Ephesians 6:18)"

I hope most of us are aware about the current situation occurring in Steemit, Inc. About three great Steemit Team resigning from their post, vacating their post as executives-@andrarchy, @vandberg & gerbino. I believe no one aren't happy about this happening, & probably don't know what are the real cause behind the scene. Already about three days ago, @stephenkendal announced his stay back from working & promoting Steemit & steem. It's clear that nothing comes in vain, as we see it. With this, as christian fellowship & steemchurch, we can't drag issues & blame anybody of being failures. I think, whether someone is the real cause behind this would not solve the issues. But, in all things we should stand in for prayers that unity can prevail in Steemit, Inc., & if possible this prayers should change the decisions made by all those Steemit Team members who have resigned.

Nothing is possible to God by prayers & faith on our side. My fervent hope in Steemit is enormous & things are expected to get better if we are united. I therefore pray that favor should be on our side, blessinga should be on our. We should in peace, not in pieces. We should work as a team with one vision, not in isolation. What therefore do we think we could lose as Steemit, Inc. & community incase we lose these leaders? We might lack experienced & competent Steemians compared to these Steemians that we have built relationship with them. They have for Steemit for long time, that know how the Steem blockchain operates well. With prayers, we leave everything in Steemit, Inc. here in the hands of God.


What does the Bible say about Chinese evil forces?

en la biblia esta escrito que habra pestes en diferentes lugares y no me sorprende que de alla salga esto cuando es un pais que esta de espaldas a. Dios lo que si es seguro es que CRISTO ESTA POR VENIR A BUSCAR A LOS SUYOS

Y hablo del coronavirus

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