Attributes of a Godly Man

According to the English dictionary, it is the condition and quality of being godly, pious, scrupulously observant of all the teachings of one's religion, practicing virtue and avoiding sin.

It means to act in accordance to the laws and wishes of God. It is living a Godlike life, living a life that's worthy of emulation.

A Godly Man is one who is saved from sin and lives a life of Godliness.

  • What then are the attributes of a Godly Man?:



  • Communion: A Christian man should have an intimate relationship with God. God created us to have fellowship with him.

Walking close with God doesn't mean to go to church, be active, be a worker and rendering selfless services to God.

  • Conducts: A godly Man will always live a righteous, blameless, upright and holy life.

  • Confidence: The faith he has in God in times of trials and tests will reveal his Godlike life. How he walks by faith in times he cannot see the faithfulness and promises of God shows if he's Godly or not.

N/B: Without faith, it is impossible to please God.

  • Conversations: His words will always carry blessings and edify the people around him. He doesn't speaks bad or evil of or against anyone.

  • Compassion: A Godly man will always strive to reach out to people, help and assist those who are in need. He will have compassion for other people and not be selfish.

  • Concern: A Godly man will be concerned about the kingdom of God and the things of God as well as having a great desire for the spiritual growth and blessings.

Be a perfect example of Godliness in all facets of life to all and sundry.
Thank you.

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