
Yes! My devos are similar, just delivered from a different angle. My focus is really on pointed help for other Christians who are struggling. At least, those who admit to their struggling (let’s be real—we’re all struggling in some way, right?) and who want to grow from those struggles. As a Christian who is a recovering addict, recognizing that the struggle is a place to learn and grow has been monumental to me, and I hope it blesses my readers, too. We’re not alone in this. Not only do we have the Father, but also each other.

A lot of Paul’s writings are super inspiring to me for that reason. Dude struggled so much, but allowed those struggles to build him into an absolute force for the sake of Christ!

Thanks for dropping a comment and for checking out my intro. I am looking forward to getting to know you better through our shared community!

I like what you're saying because people do end up trying to deal with addictions on their own. They should go to God for help or at least to a pastor, a mentor, etc. Many times, people can say they have no struggle. They may be unaware. In Alcohol Anonymous (AA) meetings, one of the first of the twelve steps in their program involves admitting that there is a problem in the first place. Romans is a great book. James is pretty practical.

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