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Focal passage:- Ecclesiastes 10:20

20.Curse not the king, no not in thy thought; and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber: for a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter.

The passage above admonishes us to be mindful of what we say even in the confines of our rooms, those words sure do has a way of getting out. I can remember when I discuss with my sister and my mom will tell us that the walls have ears, so no matter what we may be saying in our rooms that it will heard someday and we will be wondering how that can happen.
Well when in saw this passage i immediately remembered what my mum said.

My beloved brothers and sisters gossiping or backbiting your leaders, pastors, even the rich is not good at all as Christians.
Its so funny that some people only think of evil in their heart and towards other people and in the evil just has a way of happening or returning to them.
If you are never happy about people's success, and perhaps you were just thinking of it in your heart, let me tell you that good things will be far away from you.

The bible says the proud at heart God despises(Proverbs 16:5) that means you don't need to act proud for him to despise you but just mere thinking of it or being proud at heart God despises, then Imagine putting out the proud attitude then you must really get God pissed off. Out of the abundance of heart the mouth speaketh(Matthew 12:34)
Beloved of God desist from cheap talks or gossiping of any sort its not godly at all. May God help us, Amen.

I remain


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