The ability to think is a gift from God.

God endowed man with reason, yet mental abilities need to be developed. They must be used wisely to make them stronger.


Everyone should use the talents entrusted to him in such a way that this leads to the greatest good, so that the best powers of the soul come into action and all abilities are developed. We should not be content with a low standard, the important thing is to advance from one dominated field of work to another.

If we focus on reason as our best asset, we understand that we need to develop it through studies, reflection, education in the school of Christ, the best and most worthy Educator that our world has ever known.

A hardworking Christian must grow, and must build character to be useful, must educate himself to endure difficulties, and show wisdom in making plans and completing the work of God.

A Christian must be a man with pure thoughts and pure words, a man who abstains from all kinds of evil and gives no reason for reproach because of his careless actions. Furthermore, he must have a devoted heart, and there must be no deception in his mouth.

The only security for each soul is to think correctly. "What is in his soul, so is he" (Proverbs 23: 7).

As Christians we must keep our thoughts healthy, remember that the power of self-control increases due to constant exercise and, in the end, what at first seems difficult to do, thanks to constant repetition, will become easier until the correct thoughts and actions become a habit. If we want to, we can turn our backs on everything unworthy and low, rise to a higher level, become people respected and loved by God.

Your last thought in the afternoon and your first thought in the morning should be about the One in whom the hope of eternal life is concentrated.

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