in Christian Fellowship4 years ago (edited)

Whenever I read about the life and work of John Wesley, I am excited by the idea of ​​all that God can do in a life that gives itself to Him through prayer and obedience.

Wesley said:

"It seems that God is limited by our prayer life, as if he could do nothing for humanity unless someone asks him."

This impression John Wesley had was certainly due to his personal life and experience in the area of ​​prayer. It is worth remembering what Psalm 115.16 says: "The heavens are the heavens of Jehovah, but the earth he gave to the sons of men."


Adam received dominion and rule over the earth, but we know that he handed over dominion over the earth to Satan when he sinned against God. If this were not true, Satan would not have said what he said to Jesus recorded in Luke 4.6:

“The devil said to him: I will give you all this authority and the glory of these kingdoms, because they have given it to me and I give it to whoever I want. Therefore, if you prostrate yourself to adore me, everything will be yours. ”

In John 16:11, it says that the prince of this world is already on trial. The Greek word here for the world is kosmos, which means the government, the world system. In other words, these calamities, pestilences, pandemics, wars, hunger, poverty and misery, earthquakes, tsunamis, droughts and floods that we see throughout the world, are all orchestrated by the prince of this world, who is Satan. He is the prince of the system that operates in the world. It is he who imposes suffering and disgrace on the world and on people.

The Bible says that he came to steal, kill, and destroy according to John 10.10. In John 16.33 it says:

“I have told you these things so that you can have peace in me. In the world, you go through afflictions; but be of good cheer; I won the world. "

Realize what the Bible says, "in the world you go through afflictions", we must not live constantly in the afflictions that the world throws at us, they are temporary, they are temporary and we have peace in Him! And the best part of the verse continues: "Cheer up, I have overcome the world!" Jesus said to us: "Rejoice! Get excited! Because before all these situations of calamity in the world, I won!" And if we know that He won, we win along with Him!

See what it says in Colossians 1.13:

"He delivered us from the empire of darkness and transported us to the kingdom of the Son of his love, in which we have redemption, the remission of sins."

We were freed from the dark empire, from the system of this world, from the way that Satan rules, and we were transported to a kingdom that is superior to this natural kingdom. And it is precisely because we are part of a higher realm that we need more than ever to take our place and operate with heavenly weapons.


Psalm 65.5 says "You answer our prayers with remarkable feats of justice. O God of our salvation. You are the hope of all on earth, and even of those who sail in far seas." This is not the time to be discouraged or stop It is when everything seems gloomy and demotivating that we need to draw strength from within and position ourselves in prayer about everything that happens around us.

In Jeremiah 29.7 we read: “Work for the peace and prosperity of the city to which I deported you. Pray for her to the Lord, because your prosperity depends on her prosperity ”.

I Timothy 2.1-3 “In the first place, I recommend that supplications, prayers, intercessions and thanksgivings be made for all men; for kings and all those who exercise authority, so that we can have a peaceful and peaceful life, with all piety and dignity. This is good and pleasant before God, our Savior. "

In the verses above, we see that our prayer will determine how we will live in the country and in the city where the Lord has established us. Realize that the Lord tells us: do not be discouraged and do not stop praying for your city and government officials, because what happens to your city will directly affect what happens to you.

That is why we must not weaken ourselves, at this delicate and decisive moment on earth, but we must assume our place and our role, which is to manifest the will of God on earth as it is in heaven.

Take your rightful place! Take on your role right now and see God bless not only his family, but also his friends, his community, his city, and his country.

Thank you brother @nextgen622 for leaving this virtual temple open where we can express and pray for each other.


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