Cutting the bars of iron and insects for armies.

"I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron."- Isaiah 45:2


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God doesn't work or do things the way we understand because, His way is not our ways.
He is a God that goes before us to break mountains and cut iron bars so we have an easy passage way.

In this conext, God is assuring us that, the impossible will become possible in our livee, where He will use the most ridiculous stuffs to humble the wisest of men and defeat the strongest of armies.


The impossible makes no sense when it becomes possible.

The battles of life comes without warning and it can be devastating when it does.
The idea of working around situations with our own wisdom never works out because, our wisdom is never enough.

For the children of Israel, all it took God to deliver their inheritance to them on a platter was insects.

And I will send hornets before thee, which shall drive out the Hivite, the Canaanite, and the Hittite, from before thee.- Exodus 23:28.

God drove the Hivites, the Canaanites, and the Hittites who were more equipped and more in number with insects so that the Israelites can take over the land which He swore as a blessing to Abraham.

The iron bars are not going to stop you if you understand that, God always goes ahead of you no matter how the situation may appear.

Learn to leave the worries all to God and never allow the fear that tugs at the heart stop you from living our glorious life.

If you cannot see God cutting the bars of iron and leveling the mountains for our sake, then we cannot trust in the omnipotence of God.
If you fail to see a God that goes ahead of you, you are indirectly holding on to the pains of the past which ultimately will determine how your future pans out.

Trust God to make a way for you even in the eyes of the storm.

Make the world a better place for someone today!


In a weird awesome way these words struck some nice chords in my head. Its nice to get this kind of inspiration and encouragement on this network. Thanks

Thanks for reading. Stay alive and stay awesome!

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