Give thanks.

Ephesians 5:20
20 always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

As a christian we must always be thankful, we must give thanks everyday and every seconds, we must not let anything take that joyful heart away from us, thanks giving in Christian's life is as important as anything.

Not been thankful is a sin to God and an ingrate will not inherit the kingdom of God. When you do something of help to a certain person and that person didn't appreciate it there's no difference like been robbed by a thief.

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Give thanks in every season, when you are down give thanks, when everything is not going as planned for you give thanks, when you are at the high places give thanks and when you are at the bottom give thanks, by doing this God will make all your challenges a testimony.

Give thanks by Praising and singing to our heavenly father.

Psalm 147:7
7 Sing to the Lord with grateful praise; make music to our God on the harp.

Give thanks with everything you have, there's power in giving thanks to the our heavenly father, don't be the ungrateful thief, be thankful in all things and let the joy of the lord always fill your heart.

Thanks for your time.

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