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RE: Sweet Candy

in ART LOVERS5 years ago

Your post brought up a lot of what schooling was like for me. I hated to read out loud because I didn't know phonics back then. So ph and f - ea making the different sounds it did in different words and so forth didn't make much sense to me.

I wish I was homeschooled and then I wouldn't have been kicked out of the car.

I don't recall my mother ever getting a teacher, she slept around quite a bit. I hope I would have gotten better grades if she did. lol

Was the rhyming intensional? It worked well for this peice, I thought.


@tristancarax I can only remember the teacher saying I was too stupid to learn. He loved to hit us. My mother never went to school she worked or slept. Everything they labelled me with turned out to be sooo wrong and proves the teacher(s) have no idea what they talk about.

The rhyming was in my head. I guess triggered by the first sentence (poem Vincent)..

Ohhh I'm so sorry you, too, had bad experiences at school!
Worse than most if the teacher hit you.
I was merely spanked and yelled at. Accused of inattentiveness, more so than stupidity.
Revenge is sweet, at least in the guise of fiction.
Triggered - that has multiple meanings here! Even though I'm more than half a century old, I find I can be "triggered" is a woman my own age, a peer, not a parent or teacher, starts yelling and accusing me of incompetence or bad intentions. I'm back in first grade again and Mrs. Hoffman is spanking me in front of the class. Not that this is a conscious thing; it's taken me decades to notice, recognize, realize, and now, of course, a lot of people make fun of "Trigger" as a thing that can set people off... but let us not go there now.
Pearls Before Swine for January 18, 2020 |

@carolkean Thank you for stopping by. I still liked school better as being at home. Kindergarten was fine I guess although I was sick. The teacher took care of me and two other girls, meds, creams, etc. It was normal for her. In the afternoon we laid on mattresses, the ones used for gym, she told a story and we slept for some time. I liked that.

High school was better too. Teachers were different just the children not but already at that time, I didn't like to belong to the cattle. Only the last school was bad. Some teachers were screwed up, hated those who did not come from the South.

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