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in ART LOVERS5 years ago

Powerful and well written post @jaynie. With a nice illustration, from your own collection of “war stories” (that’s what I have always called them …) about …

”What I failed to realise at the time due to lack of experience and knowledge in the field, was something as obvious as the fundamental nature of human beings. Much like crows are attracted to shiny objects, people love free stuff …”

[emphasis added mine]

… one of the great challenges in life. Dealing with human nature in all of its uhhh … “glory” … “The good, the bad, and the ugly” … Here in America, we are in the final stages of this ancient “drama” playing itself out against the backdrop of our long, drawn out process of selecting our next President. With all the “usual suspects” promising the masses “free stuff” … That is a fundamental, human “right!” Sure it is …

Which brings us to the “heart” of your story …

”… they dangled the carrot, people flooded through the gates, forgot their ethics at the door, fumbled over each other to get to the prize and now the chaos, division, inequality and abuse has begun once again.”

[emphasis added mine]

… where you (we!) are once again face up against the same dilemma “in here.” How effectively does a blockchain address ”the fundamental nature of human beings”? I believe the answer is going to be based upon our system of belief. And the inescapable conclusion I drew long ago after the consequences of my own “war stories,” - what we think is based upon what we believe

You have very effectively and powerfully highlighted what gave me such pause months ago about “what are you doing ‘in there’ @roleerob?” Leading to a significant “rebalancing” of the time I am prepared to devote to it …

So … There you have my $0.02 … Which is worth at least that much, if not less “in here” … 😉 On into my day “out there,” as I have a lot going on screaming for attention. Which provides me a far greater ROI on the investment of my all-important time …

Before I go, I just want to say I do find value, in spite of what I have written here, in engaging with others “all across the world.” I do so now independent of the uhhh … “rewards,” as we all have to ultimately settle the question for ourselves, based upon our system of belief, what is truly of value ...


 5 years ago 

You said it better than I did! hahaha!!! There is not possibly ANYTHING I could add to that! - Thank you! Now go and enjoy your time "out there!" :) xxx

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