My Steem Story – By @roadstories

in ART LOVERS5 years ago

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A Power House Creatives Initiative

Power House Creatives _night mode.png

Everyone has a story – and all our stories have something in common… we all started from nothing and knew nothing. People want to hear stories. They want to hear OUR stories — they want to know who we are, where we are from, what we are doing, who and what we love, what we have learnt and where we are going. People also want us to hear their story! Being a part of the Steem network is an individual journey for every single one of us and through this initiative we will share our stories not only with all who are already here – hopefully inspiring, guiding and informing them… but doing the same for everyone else in the world too. Through our stories we will prick the curiosity of those who have not yet arrived and illuminate and widen the already open doors to our one in a million blockchain.

We invite and encourage each and every one of you to participate and share your stories too! You can find the "how to" details at the end of this post.

My steem story- by @roadstories

Where my Steem Journey began

The first contact I had with steemit was thanks to @cafeconleche, my best friend from college, who wrote to me at Christmas about 2 years ago. She told me the basics about this platform and that I could earn money (very necessary at that time), and the truth is that I was not at all incredulous because I believe her absolutely everything.

The first thing I thought was that this path was going to be very good, I am someone who likes to write a lot, so I had already managed blogs before. Seeing the amount of people and contests motivated me a lot, especially because at that time the SBD was at $12 and the steem was at $3 or $5 if I remember correctly. I was very happy to be able to start something that I liked, and the best thing, to earn a lot of money for it; I needed it urgently since it was a very terrible year for my family and for me personally, we were drowning in debt and I had somehow been the main cause of it with my car accident (total loss).

El primer contacto que tuve con steemit fue gracias a @cafeconleche, mi mejor amiga de la universidad, quien me escribió en navidad hace unos 2 años atrás. Ella me dijo lo básico sobre esta plataforma y que podía ganar dinero (muy necesario en ese tiempo), y la verdad es que no fui nada incrédulo porque a ella le creo absolutamente todo.

Lo primero que pensé fue que este camino iba a ser muy bueno, soy alguien que le gusta mucho escribir, así que ya había manejado blogs antes. Al ver la cantidad de personas y de concursos me motive mucho, sobre todo porque para ese tiempo el SBD estaba en $12 y el steem en $3 o $5 si bien recuerdo. Estaba muy contento de poder iniciar algo que me gustaba, y lo mejor, ganar mucho dinero por ello; lo necesitaba con urgencia ya que fue un año muy terrible para mi familia y para mi personalmente, estábamos ahogados de deudas y yo de cierto modo había sido el causante principal de ello con mi accidente en el carro (perdida total).

My initial challenges & how I overcame them

I think that one of my barriers at the beginning was not knowing how to promote my content, it was not directed to a specific community and I also did not use adequate tags so that my publications were seen by the curators of the different communities. Although it was not so difficult to adapt it later, because a month later I managed to enter the community of @cervantes to discord, and having them for that time very well detailed rules and people who were willing to guide me, it was easy then to understand what I was doing wrong and correct it.

Creo que una de mis barreras al principio fue el no saber promocionar mi contenido, no iba dirigido a una comunidad en especifica y también no usaba tags adecuados para que mis publicaciones fuesen vistas por los curadores de las diferentes comunidades. Si bien no se me hizo tan difícil posteriormente adecuarlo, ya que un mes después logré entrar a la comunidad de @cervantes por discord, y teniendo ellos para ese tiempo unas reglas muy bien detallas y personas que estuvieron dispuestas a guiarme, fue sencillo luego comprender lo que hacia mal y corregirlo.

The internet always was and still is a main barrier to be in steemit, and the solution basically has always been the same, if I have to get up early I will, I've been doing it for more than 2 years now the truth, but it's something that was worth and is worth it for me. Another barrier was the lack of knowledge at the time of exchanging coins, but nothing that I could not solve by asking experts who had more time than me on the platform, it's a matter of doing some research and knowing who to ask.

Now, I am an expert the truth and that is thanks to the good instructions and guidance I have received from other users, although I could have got the same answer and solution in publications, the human quality with direct contact to another user who explains to you for me was and still is much more beneficial.

El internet siempre fue y sigue siendo una barrera principal para estar en steemit, y la solución básicamente siempre ha sido el mismo, si tengo que madrugar lo haré, lo vengo haciendo desde hace ya mas de 2 años la verdad, pero es algo que valió y vale la pena para mi. Otra de las barreras fue el desconocimiento a la hora de intercambiar monedas, pero nada que no pude resolver preguntando a personas expertas quienes tenían mas tiempo que yo en la plataforma, es cuestión de investigar un poco y saber a quien preguntarle.

Ahora, soy un experto la verdad y eso es gracias a las buenas instrucciones y guía que he recibido de otros usuarios, si bien pude haber conseguido la misma respuesta y solución en publicaciones, la calidad humana con contacto directo hacia otro usuario que te explique para mi era y sigue siendo mucho más beneficioso.

My Steem blockchain knowledge

I didn't really know anything, I think the basics, by publishing I got votes and after 7 days I was going to get the money I had accumulated with those votes. By that time I didn't even know what bitcoin was, much less steem, I know, it can cause a little bit of wonder or laughter.

Now I still don't know anything, no lie, of course, I think that one of the good things about being here is that bit a bit but for sure you will have to learn more of the basics about steemit, the tags, the different communities that make it up, the witnesses, the payment system according to the debt, the different dapps that you can use to present your art or creations in a better way, in short other things that I ignored and the truth sometimes I still ignore. I am one of those who likes to know only what is necessary.

Yo la verdad no sabia absolutamente nada, creo que lo básico, al publicar obtenía votos y a los 7 días iba a obtener el dinero que había acumulado con esos votos. Para ese tiempo ni siquiera sabia que era el bitcoin, mucho menos steem, lo se, puede causar un poco de asombro o risa.

Ahora sigo sin saber nada, no mentira, por supuesto, creo que una de las bondades de estar aquí es que de a poco pero seguro tendrás que aprender mas de lo básico sobre steemit, los tags, las diferentes comunidades que lo conforman, los testigos, el sistema de pago según la deuda, las diferentes dapps que puedes usar para presentar tu arte o creaciones de una mejor forma, en fin otras cosas que ignoraba y la verdad a veces sigo ignorando. Soy de los que ciertas cosas le gusta saber nada más lo necesario.

My Steem favourites

What I really do most is review art, photography and literature publications, and vote for the ones I like best. Personally, my blog is more about fiction, love, suspense, as well as some poetry. But lately I've been taking the opportunity to use it as a reflection journal.

Normally I only use steemit but since I share some pictures I usually use Appics, when I don't have much time to publish I use Steempeaks and program my publications. In my mobile I use partiko, although I already downloaded eSteem and it's great.

Lo que más hago realmente es revisar publicaciones de arte, fotografía y literatura, y votar por los que más me guste. Personalmente mi blog es mas de historias de ficción, amor, suspendo, así como también alguna que otra poesía. Pero últimamente he estado aprovechando la oportunidad de usarlo como un diario de reflexiones.

Normalmente solo uso steemit pero como comparto algunas fotografías suelo usar Appics, cuando no tengo mucho tiempo para publicar uso Steempeaks y programo mis publicaciones. En mi celular suelo usar partiko, aunque ya descargue eSteem y es genial.

My golden nugget advice

The first thing I always tell them is to enjoy what they do, but before doing it they should know that they can and can't do it, that way they will avoid bad times.

The second thing is to keep in mind that you will not always get votes, or the same amount of reward as other users, nobody knows what is behind that vote, whether it is a payment for work, whether the curator has a certain value towards that content, whether it is favoritism or something else, remember this is a blockchain, that is people can do with their money what they want, although there are things that should not be done.

Making yourself known is very important, so never forget to do your introduction and try to make connections with different authors.

Investigate properly before following a hallway rumor, most of the time they are like in the university or school "the teacher is very bad", and it turns out to be the opposite, the same thing happens here.

And the most important thing is that, EVERYTHING is recorded in the blockchain, so if you make mischief do not think that there is no one who knows, just ignore it or save it to use it at the right time.

Lo primero que siempre les digo es que disfruten lo que hagan, pero antes de hacerlo deben saber que pueden y no pueden hacer, de ese modo se evitaran malos ratos.

Lo segundo es que tengan en cuenta que no siempre van a obtener votos, o la misma cantidad de recompensa que otros usuarios, nadie sabe que hay detrás de ese voto, si es un pago por trabajo, si es que el curador tiene cierto valor hacia dicho contenido, si es favoritismo u otra cosa, recuerden esta es una blockchain, es decir que las personas pueden hacer con su dinero lo que quieran, aunque hay cosas que no se deben hacer.

Darse a conocer es muy importante, así que nunca olviden hacer su introducción e intentar hacer conexiones con diferentes autores.

Investiguen propiamente antes de seguir un rumor de pasillo, la gran mayoría de las veces son como en la universidad o escuela "la profesora es muy mala", y resulta ser todo lo contrario, lo mismo pasa aquí.

Y lo mas importante es que, TODO queda registrado en la blockchain, asi que si haces travesuras no creas que no exista alguien que lo sepa, solo lo ignora o lo guardara para usarlo en el momento correcto.

My Steem hood & its peeps

Today I'm a curator of @ocd (omg I can't believe it), maybe for some it's not something very important, but for me it is, since I entered steemit I always wanted to be part of the healing of a big project like this. So dream come true.

Before that I had the joy of being part of @cervantes as a moderator and in @templo as a curator. Both experiences were enriching for my growth both as a person and with my content.

My favorite people are many but among them are @nelyp @gardenofcarmen @equipodelta @fmbs25 @kirito-freud @manuelramos @edwardstobia @helengutier2 and a handful of other people with whom I have been able to share more than ideas and a warm greeting.

Hoy en día soy curador de @ocd (omg no puedo creerlo), tal vez para algunos no sea algo muy importante, pero para mi lo es, desde que entre a steemit siempre quise formar parte de la curación de un proyecto tan grande como este. Así que sueño cumplido.

Antes tuve la dicha de formar parte de @cervantes como moderador y en @templo como curador. Ambas experiencias fueron enriquecedoras para mi crecimiento tanto como persona como con mi contenido.

Mis personas favoritas son muchas pero entre ellas están @nelyp @gardenofcarmen @equipodelta @fmbs25 @kirito-freud @manuelramos @edwardstobia @helengutier2 y un puñado mas de personas con las que he podido compartir mas que ideas y un cálido saludo.

To conclude, I would like to thank those who make this kind of initiative and invite the following people to join



  1. Create a post titled: “My Steem Story – By

  2. The first three tags in order are to be as follows:

  3. ONLY make use of the cover image provided in this post.

  4. Keep the same formatting and placement (intro, footer
    instructions etc.)

  5. Replace the personal photo with one of your own.

  6. Tag 5 people to join in on the initiative.

  7. Share your post to twitter.

  8. Share your twitter link and Steem post link in the comments of @jaynie’s “Steem Story” post.


Write a post which shares and gives adequate response to the following headings:

Where my Steem Journey began
(How you first discovered Steem and your very first thoughts and impressions “as you landed”.)

My initial challenges & how I overcame them
(Share a bit about the difficulties you faced at the beginning, whether it was navigation, post creation, engagement – whatever – how you resolved them and how differently you feel about it now)

My Steem blockchain knowledge
(Give a little bit of background on your blockchain knowledge when you began your Steem journey versus now.)

My Steem favourites
(What are the things you do mostly on the blockchain – is it blogging, vlogging? What front ends do you like to make use of and what content genre’s do you generally focus on?)

My golden nugget advice
(What advice would you offer to those that are unfamiliar or new to this space)

My Steem hood & its peeps
(Share a little about the communities you belong to, discord servers you frequent and perhaps a handful of the awesome people you follow)

Power House Creatives Logos FINAL_float.png


Nice work on your story @roadstories, congratulations!

Posted using Partiko Android

You are a pedagogue.
I really liked your story and your way of exposing it.
Happy life forever.

Eres un pedagogo.
Me gusto mucho tu historia y tu forma de exponerla.
Vida feliz por siempre.

 5 years ago 

Great story @roadstories! Thank you very much for participating in the "My Steem Story" Initiative!


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