Powerhousecreatives Contest: Moving Up Or Downsizing

in ART LOVERS4 years ago (edited)

My entry to @zord’s PHC contest. Check his post Herefor more info.

Housing has become a worldwide problem with the population of this planet skyrocketing to 7.8 billion people. That figure is double to what it was when I starting looking for housing after leaving my parent’s home.

Moving into new digs has different requirements depending on your age and family. Most young couple still want the lovely three bedroom house with the white picket fence. Often they envision an upgrade to a higher-end house or condo as finances improve or children leave the nest. Most desire a forever home comparable to what their friends live in.


As in all things, a person’s life comes full circle and when the circle starts closing in, the prestigious forever home can become too much to look after - grass to mow in summer, landscape to keep looking good, snow to be removed in winter, walls to be painted and general maintenance inside and outside. There may be too many stairs for aging joints to climb.

If two people living together have reasonable good health then they can manage but, as the hair turns to silver, often thoughts turn to simplifying and revisiting priorities. One starts looking through the crowded closet, the messy garage and basement to see what can be donated or to have a yard sale and get rid of everything not used and ....downsize to moving into an apartment.

Downsizing would mean moving into a small home or an apartment. Never having lived in an apartment, the idea of living in one makes me uncomfortable. What about my two cats? Will pets be welcome? I’ve heard horror stories of noisy neighbors playing loud music all night and of cockroaches invading kitchen cupboards. What about a fire started accidentally by another tenant? Even if the apartment building is not burned to the ground, the tenants will be displaced because of smoke damage.

Even with my negative thinking about apartments. I think I could live in one a nice one with cement walls between the apartments and overlooking a lovely water view such as this one.


On the plus side, downsizing to an apartment has allowed seniors to go South for the winter without worrying about a house and they can avoid the cold Canadian winter.

I grew up on a farm with open fields all around. Even going to the city I lived in a house with lots of open space between houses on the street. After retirement Hubby and I moved to the countryside to get away from city life and back to the beauty of nature I loved.

Moving is always an option but I’d like to stay In my modest country home, surrounded by a forest and the wonders of nature, for a few more years.



Photos & text are mine unless otherwise sourced.





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Thanks so much @qurator. I appreciate your support!

We downsized (size wise) three years ago, but moved up in outdoor space by going from a condominium to a 1/3 acre lot.

Hi @goldendawne. It seems like a good move for you with your green thumb for gardening. 😊

 4 years ago 

Downsizing is not an option on the table over here yet, both sons grown up still live in the home or small flatlet we had developed years ago for my mother-in-law.

Under the circumstances we live in, many things come into play, so escaping into the mountains or game reserves once or twice a year will have to do for now.

Love your home out in the country, I could never live in a flat, semi or any other place where I was not able to enjoy a dog, the birds, trees and small garden.

Thanks so much Joan @joanstewart. A few people I know have made the leap to an apartment.Some really like it but I know of one man who found it difficult and wished he never sold his house.

It is certainly a blessing to have your own place to enjoy your pets and nature.

You do indeed have a lovely home in nature my friend.
Apartment living is out of the question for me and we now have this little cottage in a security complex. It has a small very busy garden where our little dog can run around in and we are very close to the mountains and the beach.
The neighborhood used to be an old farm called Vergelegen and there are still many farms in the area. Good enough for me.

Thanks Sir Stephen! Your cottage looks ideal and a lovely area with the cute little animals visiting you and Marion.


Cannot afford anything with more land my friend, but at the same time it's teaching me that a person doesn't have to own everything.
Nature is free and all around us.
A lovely sunny morning here today and had a flash visit from a paradise flycatcher, but I was too late with the camera. Also snapped a new 24 hour flower this morning.
May you have a special new year Lady Jo.

It’s a nice winter morning here Sir Stephen, with a bit of snow that fell last night. As long as it is above freezing I don’t mind our winter.

Housing and land is becoming so pricey it is difficult for people to own anything. It’s important to appreciate and enjoy whatever one has. As you said, nature is free and all around us.

🎉 A Happy New Year and many blessings! 🥳

I hear what you say Lady Jo, to be thankful for what one has, but just between you and me, I am still keeping a lookout for a place right next to the mountain. Problem is that the properties on the higher level are all owned by the mega rich, but one never know as just maybe a cottage up there could be looking for an owner Lol.

It doesn’t hurt to dream and visualize what you desire in the future Sir Stephen. As Captain Jean-Luc Picard said on Star Trek second generation, “Make it so!” 😊

So true my friend and that captain knew what he was talking about.
We shall certainly "Make it so"!
Blessings and thank you!

Hi Jo, I liked your contribution to @powerhousecreatives contest, which I did not know about. I could not live in an apartment either, I like my space and I agree about the noise problem. I really love your country home, it is beautiful sitting in Mother Nature and look at all the animals who come to visit for food. Our feathered friends give Ben and I lots of joy.

Hi Angie and thanks. It wouldn’t be the same in an apartment.

My nephew’s girlfriend had to move because the apartment where she lived did not allow pets and they saw her cat on the lobby camera when she had to take the cat to the vet.

Beautiful contest entry, @redheadpei! I am just writing mine now. It's fun to imagine where you might like to live. It sounds like you are already there!

Thanks @jayna. I like it here and hope to stay a good many more years. Glad you entered the contest, I will hop over to read yours. 😊 💕

Very nice and comfortable country house!

Thanks @kaminchan!
Blessings and all the best for 2020! 🎉

 4 years ago 

I love your home. It's a dream house for me. Smallish, rural, one level and red.

Thanks so much @owasco. I’m pleased you love the house.

🎉 Many blessings for 2020! ♥️

A very nice countryside home you have there! Apartments are noisy, and the cheaper complex you're in, the more likely you'll have inconsiderate neighbors, plus the bugs come into your space from dirty neighbors as the whole building gets infested.

I lived on the 6th floor of a huge beach condo though, and it was as quiet as could be. I did worry about a fire breaking out on a lower floor though.

Nice entry - good luck! I don't know yet if zord189 has already named the winners or not, lol. Happy New Year!

Congrats @free-reign, I saw earlier you in the contest winners!

A beach condo sounds lovely. I think most condos have cement walls between them and a sprinkler system now. It is a worry about fires.

A couple apartment buildings burned down in Charlottetown last summer/fall. They said it started with the black mulch used in landscaping. Either someone threw a cigarette or the heat from the sun started a fire in the mulch and burned the buildings down.

Thanks and Happy New Year! 🎉

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