Market Friday, Poetry, and Fall Photography

in ART LOVERS4 years ago

Flip Flops

What follows is a dire warning.
Ignore at your own peril.

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It is the Halloween season ... it has a season now ... and you will have to indulge me and my at times macabre sense of humor.

Zombies can be a laughing matter.

This little not-a-poem, poem was inspired by a news radio program, and its guest's hate-on for flip flops, in the city, and my love of zombie movies.

Seriously, I can't get enough of zombie movies. Funny or scary. Definitely, my guilty of guiltiest pleasures. I've thought about their appeal for me. The characters spend a lot of time out in nature, everything is free, and one ever has to get up for work in the morning ... ever again. It's like Survivor but without the sandals and passive aggressive camp counsellors, and still just as stabbie.

Is survivor still a thing? What are all you trailer trash loving voyeurs watching these days? Reality TV. Now there are some horror shows that are truly terrifying. Nope ... I don't like them. I don't like them at all.

I do like flip flops, but no one ever wears them in a zombie apocalypse and for good reason. Even though it would offer a spin to ankle biting and foot fetishes. Yep ... I went there but I remain unapologetic.


The time has come. I am allowed for the month of October to turn my enlightening eye to the dark side and enjoy the underside of existence, to explore contrast but with my tongue stuck limply to my cheek.

I am into this ... totally.

Gift time. No not a severed head. Here lie some of my favourites Michael's ornaments celebrating Fall and Halloween. Enjoy. But remember ... to the owls, you are the reality star and it's sensible shoes for the win



Words and Images are my own. Flip Flops is published in Monsters, Avatars, and Angels. Monsters, Avatars, and Angels is available in paperback or digital through amazon and your local libraries and bookstores. Click on any title below to further explore and support my writing.









hahaha they don't have to get up for work, ever again, funny that, they're just up all the time, waiting for someone to eat!!

Yeah ... but staying up late is easier than getting up early. LOL:)

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