MY STEEM HISTORY - By @nathyortiz

in ART LOVERS5 years ago


An initiative of Power House Creatives


Everyone has a story, and all our stories have something in common... we all started from nothing and knew nothing. People want to hear stories. They want to hear OUR stories: they want to know who we are, where we are from, what we are doing, who and what we love, what we have learned and where we are going. People also want us to hear their stories! Being part of the Steem network is an individual journey for each of us and through this initiative, we will share our stories not only with all those who are already here, hoping to inspire, guide and inform them... but to do the same for everyone else. in the world as well Through our stories, we will awaken the curiosity of those who are not yet here and enlighten and expand the already open doors to our unique one-million block chain.

We invite and encourage each and every one of you to participate and share your stories too! You can find the details of "how to" at the end of this publication.

MY STEEM HISTORY - By @nathyortiz

Where my journey began Steem

Looking back and remembering how my life started at steemit is really exciting, I remember that I managed to get my account in March 2018 but it was not until April 5, 2018 when I made my presentation post. I was very excited to be in a network where the original content was rewarded and to be able to get some extra money for the day to day in Venezuela, so I got my act together and started creating content but in my presentation I didn't have enough reach because I forgot to put the welcome labels and other important ones, I only got $0.00, I really didn't get discouraged at all because I knew I could give more of myself and get ahead. After 3 days I managed to make a publication where I told about a trip I made months before with some friends called: Caripe tierra de encanto, I remember that that post was voted by @cervantes and it generated a shocking emotion in me that from that day until today I have not stopped commenting and publishing.

I arrived through my mother-in-law @daysiselena but really this was a chain, as she told us about the platform was @wendyth16 because her friend @betzaelcorvo was on it and was doing very well. Between all of us we managed to create a community to talk and debate about steemit because we really live close by, so it was very easy for us to be in tune. Since then I have met many people on the platform, which have become friends and reference for many things, but what I liked most is the fact that you publish what you like and that other people admire your work.

My initial challenges and how I overcame them

One of the biggest challenges that I faced on this platform was the use of commands when publishing, but with care and a lot of research with my mother-in-law @daysiselena we could find good tutorials on that topic, I also remember that one of my fears was the use of discord because I really did not know what it was used for, then one day I decided to enter and start adding communities and I started to share in @cervantes where I met people who helped me a lot, but it was not until then when the Whaleshares platform was created that I entered the discord more deeply in a community called @constelacion in which I managed to do things I had never imagined like being in live chat where publications were awarded, here you had to defend your publication and then it was awarded, an incredible adventure that made me explode all the doubts in discord.

Currently one of the biggest challenges I have is not having a phone, because here in my city the access to the internet is lousy and through a computer I can surf without any problem, I hope to overcome it very soon with the help of work and what I do on the platform. I think that in life many people face challenges that we think are difficult to overcome, but really the key to success is in you and only you are the one who gives openness to that world full of possibilities, we must be strong people capable of demolishing everything that faces us. My time on the platform has gone and will be great with friends and new adventures.

My knowledge of the Steem block chain

I really didn't know anything about the block chain, the whole world of cryptomonies was totally new to me and it took me time to process as much as I could from this new era of virtual currencies, I remember that I had to watch tutorials to understand the world of steem, I consider that I still have a long way to go but things are slowly getting better and better.
I would like to be more in touch with experts in this field in order to move forward, learn and help others to travel this wonderful world. I have participated in initiatives to promote and publicize steem, and I hope to continue sharing.

My favorite Steem...

In the time I've been in the steemit community I've come across wonderful people and accounts that apply a fairly interesting theme and can be considered my favourites, although I really feel that we all have a lot to learn from each other but there are people who go beyond the limits. I was a quite active person in @nTOPAZ but it has come to an end due to inconveniences presented in that platform, I hope you will come back soon because I liked to promote art and see original content published such as paintings, music, dances, crafts, digital and pencil drawings.
In this journey of steemit I have found good people and willing to help when you need it, I will always be grateful to them, many have left the platform for their private reasons but I hope one day we will return the community that started around 2017.

My gold nugget tip

A very important advice is that you manage to create content of your inspiration and originality, since plagiarism is very bad and you take things from the Internet, the best thing is that you focus on your skills and what you really love to do to get ahead, I think we should be active and very friendly people.
You can also make simple contests on the platform to know it and grab the thread fast, because there depends your persistence and love on the platform, another very important is to create circles of friends in discord, because there is known from another perspective the world of steemit and we get people who are willing to help us to improve. It is my humble advice to go forward and know you, try to be active in comments, votes, be patient and get it right.

My Steem Hood and his tweets

One of the communities that gave me their support and with which I shared a lot is @cervantes since it gave me the opportunity to emerge and know many things I didn't know, through their few contests I was able to relate and be active in steemit. The community that has helped me until now and with which I feel quite related is #CCC through which I can make contests of my interest and they help me to express myself in a better way, it is a great help and they are always willing to help, also the community of @steemitmamas which has given me space for a while and where I can place things regarding my child's upbringing and many learning contests in this great much, currently they have not launched many contests but I know that soon they will, finally @steemitbloggers (PowerHouseCreatives) in which I am starting.
Currently I have concentrated on writing for people like: @wakeupkitty @marblely @olivia08 @gertu @freedomshift @photo52 which have great and fun contests, I invite you to visit their blogs and encourage you to do so. Now I focus on the project of my friend @jaynie because I have loved the dynamics that she manages and the development of her publications, especially the music round in which she actively participated since I discovered her user, I hope to belong and be in touch by discord with this incredible community.

The five people I nominate for this contest are

@daysiselena @theresa16 @wendyth16 @betzaelcorvo @dulce16





  1. Create a post titled: "My Steem Story - By"

  2. The first three tags in order are to be as follows:

  3. ONLY make use of the cover image provided in this post.

  4. Keep the same formatting and placement (intro, footer
    instructions etc.)

  5. Replace the personal photo with one of your own.

  6. Tag 5 people to join in on the initiative.

  7. Share your post to twitter.

  8. Share your twitter link and Steem post link in the comments of @jaynie's "Steem Story" post.


  • Write a post which shares and gives adequate response to the following headings:

  • Where my Steem Journey began
    (How you first discovered Steem and your very first thoughts and impressions "as you landed".)

  • My initial challenges & how I overcame them
    (Share a bit about the difficulties you faced at the beginning, whether it was navigation, post creation, engagement - whatever - how you resolved them and how differently you feel about it now)

  • My Steem blockchain knowledge
    (Give a little bit of background on your blockchain knowledge when you began your Steem journey versus now.)

  • My Steem favorites
    (What are the things you do mostly on the blockchain - is it blogging, vlogging? What front ends do you like to make use of and what content genre's do you generally focus on?)

  • My golden nugget advice
    (What advice would you offer to those that are unfamiliar or new to this space)

  • My Steem hood & its peeps
    (Share a little about the communities you belong to, discord servers you frequent and perhaps a handful of the awesome people you follow)



Thanks to you for reading and commenting on my publication, you are always welcome.

The text is original from: @nathyortiz
// All Rights Reserved // Nathy Ortiz //
// Picture of my property |Camera| Lumix DCM-LS, Panasonic|


Gracias por la invitación y por recordar que tuve en tus primeros pasos en esta plataforma, te ayudé andar ahora me superaste (risas). Buena publicación. Te felicito.

Así mis es, cosas mejores vienen para nosotras.

Saludos @daysiselena

Gracias por la invitacion me alegro que te vaya de lujo. Seguiremos creciendo aqui steemit.
Saludos nathy

Posted using Partiko Android

Muchas gracias wenda, así mismo sera.


que bueno que estes aqui con nosotros, saludos y exitos

Igualmente amigo, muchos éxitos para este camino llamado steemit.

Saludos @betzaelcorvo

Pretty picture @nathyortiz, thank you for sharing your story. 🙏

Posted using Partiko Android

Muchas gracias pro estar aquí @wonderwop

 5 years ago 

What a beautiful picture of you :)

we must be strong people capable of demolishing everything that faces us

I really love that! It is definitely the right kind of mindset to have! Thank you so uch for taking part in this project :)


Muchas gracias por el cumplido @jaynie

De eso se trata la vida, de quitar las piedras del camino con entusiasmo y de manera correcta.


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