My Steem Story By@mariela53

in ART LOVERS5 years ago (edited)


A Power House Creatives initiative

Power House Creatives


Everyone has a story, and all our stories have something in common ... we all start from nothing and we didn't know anything. People want to hear stories. They want to hear OUR stories: they want to know who we are, where we are from, what we are doing, who and what we love, what we have learned and where we are going. People also want us to hear their story! Being part of the Steem network is an individual journey for each of us and, through this initiative, we will share our stories not only with everyone who is already here, hoping to inspire, guide and inform them ... but to Do the same for everyone else in the world. Through our stories, we will awaken the curiosity of those who have not yet arrived and we will illuminate and expand by one million the doors already open to our unique blockchain.

We invite and encourage each and every one of you to participate and share your stories too! You can find the details of "how to do it" at the end of this post.

My Steem Story by @mariela53

Where did my Steem Trip begin

Steem I know him for the first time through a friend, I was curious, I made the request and eagerly awaited acceptance through an email that confirmed me to make the formal registration. For me it was a failure, I felt very sad because when I started to register, I did not know that I had to keep the password, it was frustrating because, I told the friend who told me about steem that had registered me and the first thing I asked was Did you save the password to steem? I told him - don't keep it. Despite this inconvenience, I gradually learned about the platform, I liked it and decided to apply for a new steem account, this orientation was made by a young man through the discord channel. But this time I do save the password, because I know that if I lose it, it cannot be recovered. Super happy, I felt that I was discovering something new and that I had to work hard to succeed.

My initial challenges and how I overcame them

At the beginning it was very hard, I was very uninformed, I published contents that were not of my authorship and I wrote a robot where I was told that the writing was taken from google, there I realized that the publications I made had to be of my own authorship , once I made a publication I do not remember the subject and I commented a very polite and friendly young man who made many corrections and shared some publications that guided me how to publish on steem. From these anecdotes, I began to seek opinions and suggestions from other users that were more advanced in reputation. I have been on this platform for almost 2 years, but as I work and meet users, I ask for help, it is not easy, it is a very long way to go, a very huge platform, where from time to time they make innovations and that generates new learning . Currently I feel a little safer when posting.

My knowledge of the Steem blockchain

In relation to the knowledge of the blockchain I do not dominate much, but I have a friend user of this platform that guides me as far as the blockchain is concerned.

My Steem favorites

My favorite steem is varied, I love photography, contests, poetry, cooking, among others. My publications are varied.

Mi consejo de pepita de oro

I would advise you to have a lot of patience, it is not easy, seek help with more experienced users on the platform, and as they improve in their publications, they will reap their rewards.

My Steem Hood and his peeps

In discord now it is that I am retaking the entrance to this channel, by advice and suggestion of the friend @lecumberre man of great trajectory in this platform and has contributed me his grain of sand to move forward.
I am currently joined by many communities, where I have found users who have extended my helping hand and guided me to obtain a better result and success on the platform.

Create a post titled: "My Steem Story - By @"

The first three labels in order should be the following:



ONLY make use of the cover image provided in this publication.

Keep the same format and location (introduction,
footer instructions, etc.)

Replace the personal photo with your own.

Tag 5 people to join the initiative.

Share your post on twitter.

Share your Twitter link and the link of the Steem post in the comments of the "Steem Story" post by @jaynie.

Write a publication that shares and responds appropriately to the following headings:

• Where did my Steem Trip begin?
(How you first discovered Steem and your first thoughts and impressions "when you landed").

• My initial challenges and how I overcame them
(Share a little about the difficulties you faced at the beginning, be it navigation, post creation, commitment, whatever, how you solved them and how different you feel about it now)

• My knowledge of the Steem blockchain
(Give some information about your knowledge of the blockchain when your Steem journey started compared to now)

• My Steem favorites
(What are the things you do primarily in the blockchain - is it blogging, vlogging? What front end do you like to use and what kind of content do you usually focus on?)

• My gold nugget advice
(What advice would you offer to those who are unfamiliar or new to this space)

• My Steem Hood and his peeps
(Share a little about the communities to which you belong, the servers of discord you frequent and perhaps a handful of the amazing people that follow.

Invito: @giocondina


Que hermosa mención, agradecida con ella. También te sigo siempre tienes hermosos post y de una lectura agradable, bien bonito tu apoyo a las diferentes comunidades y amigos que te siguen. @mariela53

Tan bella mi @sacra97 con un corazón enorme. Dios te bendiga y sigas aportando a los nuevos usuarios tus enseñanzas.

Thank you for sharing your story @mariela53 👍

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Thanks for taking your time to read it.

Hola amiga gracias por la invitación.

anímate a participar tu eres bueno para eso. votan bien

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