So for #musicmonday, I'll share a little baby step I've made.

in ART LOVERS5 years ago

Small step for video kind.jpg

Since I moved to this apartment, due to health reasons mainly, I've been
Pretty much vegetating. Little things, the green screen, getting the
Room arranged (that is still in progress) setting things up in my mind
(THAT'S a scary concept)
So tonight, I set up my older, "strictly for video" camera, so that if/when
I decide to record some NEW video, I won't have to worry about that


In this position and angle, it will be just (or mainly) to capture my hands
As I play, but this camera was also designed to record EXCELLENT audio
(there are two mics on the back end that can be raised and directed)

SHOOT! I just saw that this camera has been discontinued
oh well, times they are a changing.

"Small Step for Videokind"

Jerry E Smith

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks

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