Be yourself and you can save the world [ENG] Se tu mismo y al mundo puedes salvar [ESP]

in ART LOVERS5 years ago (edited)


Good morning, Steemians. Today I want to talk to you about being yourself and authenticity.

Being yourself does not mean in my opinion doing what you want to do always and everywhere.

Be yourself..png


(Created by me using Canva)

Being oneself means being faithful and consistent with what we want to do and not do. Without labels but also without masks. To show a different face according to who we are with is to falsify oneself.

And this incoherence is paid for, sooner or later with emotional or material losses or with loss of health. Every second that you lie to yourself and don't go after your dreams is a lost second and if something can't be recovered it's time.

I've been thinking about this for a few years now, seeing people close to me who lived many years to make up, their partner, their parents, their children. And we have only one life.

Do not spend your life pleasing only to others, you have to pursue what you want, what you yearn.
It is not selfishness, is to be aware that we only have this life here and now (beyond that believe in eternal life) but the true and tangible is the here and now.

If you are not faithful to yourself, it will be a pity, it will be something very sad. Living deceiving yourself and others, hiding your evil, without taking care of who you are and what you want is one of the saddest things.

This is something that many people regret on their deathbed.
It is better to regret doing something than to regret not doing it.
If things go wrong, draw strength from within and move on. We don't carry problems that we can't overcome (at least not most of us) or problems that we can't deal with.

If we are all sincere and honest we can save this world. Save it from lies, greed and falsehood.
You have to know how to say no many times to be honest.
To do what one wants and know how to say no for what one does not want to do or with whom one does not want to live or relate.

Postponing choices and not being consistent brings loss in many ways. If you are honest, the best will come.
I hope that these humble words reach you and you can begin to live in a coherent way.
If a few of us wake up, we can bring many out of moderation.

Life is more than just being born, growing up, making money, reproducing, retiring and dying.
You can leave something here, a fruitful life according to your desires and that others can see and say: he did what he wanted without harming anyone.

It is important to emphasize that the above does not imply evasion of the law, nor morals or religion. There is a wide space of freedom within the rules and laws. It is called normative freedom.

Sincerely, Healthrecipes.


Buenos días Steemians. Hoy les quiero hablar sobre ser uno mismo y la autenticidad.

Ser uno mismo no significa en mi opinión hacer lo que uno quiere siempre y en todo lugar.

Se tu mismo.png


(Created by me using Canva)

Ser uno mismo es ser fiel y coherente con lo que queremos hacer y no hacer. Sin rótulos pero también sin mascaras. Mostrar una cara diferente según con quien estemos es falsearse a uno mismo.

Y esa incoherencia se paga, tarde o temprano con perdidas afectivas, materiales o con perdidas de salud. Cada segundo que te mientas a ti mismo y no vayas tras tus sueños es un segundo perdido y si algo no se puede recuperar es el tiempo.

Vengo pensando esto desde hace unos años viendo a personas cercanas que vivieron muchos años para conformar, a su pareja, a sus padres, a sus hijos. Y tenemos una sola vida.

No pases tu vida complaciendo solo a los demas, tienes que perseguir lo que deseas, lo que anhelas.
No es egoísmo, es ser conscientes que solo tenemos esta vida aquí y ahora (más alla de que crea en la vida eterna) pero lo cierto y tangible es el aquí y ahora.

Si no eres fiel a ti mismo, será una pena, será algo muy triste. Vivir engañandote y engañando a los demas, ocultando tu lacra, sin hacerte cargo de quien eres y que quieres es una de las cosas mas tristes.
Esto es algo de lo que mucha gente se arrepiente en su lecho de muerte.
Mas vale arrepentirse de hacer algo que arrepentirse de no hacerlo.

Si las cosas andan mal, saca fuerzas de tu interior y sigue adelante. No llevamos problemas que no podamos superar (al menos no la mayoría de nosotros) o problemas con los cuales no podamos lidiar.

Si todos somos sinceros y honestos podemos salvar a este mundo. Salvarlo de la mentira, la codicia y la falsedad.
Hay que saber decir que no muchas veces para ser honesto.

Para hacer lo que uno desea y saber decir que no por lo que no quiere hacer o con quien no quiere vivir o relacionarse.
El postergar elecciones y no ser coherente trae perdida en muchos sentidos. Si tu eres honesto, lo mejor vendrá.

Espero que estas humildes palabras te lleguen y puedas comenzar a vivir en forma coherente.
Si unos pocos despertamos podemos sacar a muchos de la modorra.
La vida es algo mas que nacer, crecer, gana dinero, reproducirse, retirarse y morir.

Tu puedes dejar algo aquí, una vida fructífera segun tus deseos y que los demas puedan ver y decir: hizo lo que quiso sin dañar a nadie.
Es importante recalcar que lo antesdicho no implica evadir la ley, ni la moral ni la religión. Hay un amplio espacio de libertad dentro de las normas y las leyes. Se llama libertad normativa.

Sinceramente Healthrecipes.

boton seguir steemit.png


A wonderful addition to my #thoughtfuldailypost movement @healthrecipes... What you said, also holds much wisdom and truth:

"Postponing choices and not being consistent brings loss in many ways. If you are honest, the best will come.
I hope that these humble words reach you and you can begin to live in a coherent way.
If a few of us wake up, we can bring many out of moderation."

Do good... get good...

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Hello @wesphilbin , thank you very much for your support and for your comment. I have three basic maxims of life that are the basis of Roman law by the great jurist Ulpian: To live honestly, not to harm another, to give each one his own (honeste vivere, alterum non laedere, suum cuique tribuere) in Latin. And these three principles imply coherence with oneself and with others. Have a great weekend and an excellent 2020. Greetings from Argentina. [ESP] Hola @wesphilbin , muchas gracias por tu apoyo y por tu comentario. Tengo tres máximas básicas de vida que son las bases del derecho romano por el gran jurista Ulpiano: Vivir honradamente, no hacer daño a otro, dar a cada uno lo suyo (honeste vivere, alterum non laedere, suum cuique tribuere) en latin. Y esos tres principios implican coherencia para con uno mismo y para con los demás. Ten un gran fin de semana y un 2.020 excelente. Saludos desde Argentina.

It comes really true that the best way to help this world and others is to be real and sincere with yourself. If you don’t believe in you who will?
Procrastinating is not useful to achieve the goals. Moving on with not less effort but with persistence helps making dreams become real. This is my view that seems we both share.
Keep on being yourself.
Big hugs over there 🤗

Thanks for your comment and support @drakernoise .Being real is the way to be really happy. Keep rolling my friend. Have really nice friday. Greetings from Argentina.

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Buena observación y reflexión, tomando en cuenta que quien siempre va a convivir contigo eres tu mismo y que, para bien o para mal siempre tendrá que reaccionar y accionar ante lo que se te presente. Lo mejor, realmente es ser tu ante todo. Gracias por compartir.

No hay porqué agradecer @orlandogonzalez , es lo que pienso y tuve ganas de compartirlo. La coherencia de vida ante todo. Ten un excelente fin de semana. Saludos desde Argentina. There is no need to thank @orlandogonzalez , it is what I think and I wanted to share it. The coherence of life above all. Have an excellent weekend. Greetings from Argentina.


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Much love to you from all of us at @helpie!
Keep up the great work!


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@helpie is a Community Witness.

Thanks a lot again my friend. Have a really good weekend and an amazing 2020. Greetings from Argentina. [ESP] Muchas gracias de nuevo mi amigo. Que tengas un muy buen fin de semana y un increíble 2020. Saludos desde Argentina.

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