 5 years ago 

I don't think the contest was intended to evoke quite this type of response from people, but personally I'm glad it did. Though I never suffered the physical abuse, I left when I was 17 and never looked back. And here, today, we've all found a good group of like-minded people who we can be positive and forward looking with. So there's that!

We have in common a pivotal moment in in our lives, and it's the kind no one wants to hear about. For me, the thought is always there in the back of my mind, that things could've been better if the causes for my leaving had never occurred. I did get respect after that, and that is a positive.

Thanks for sharing your experience with making this decision.

@free-reign In my case I was beaten up, strangled in the worse way you can think out... I never did lift a hand but she knew I would leave and I never went back. If you can not kil the animal it is better to stay out of its way (but I regret I never did ad if we ever meet agai I will). ❤️

I'm so sorry to hear what happened during your youth, @wakeupkitty. I'd suspected your wounds ran deeper than mine and this confirms it. I was lucky at 15, simply because I'd gained the physical strength to confront the abuser, and my attitude after that was one of power.

I can imagine how hard dealing with your situation was, and if it'd been me in your shoes, I'm sure I'd have done the same thing.

Keep moving forward. :)

@free-reign At that time I was already taller as those who abused me plus mentally I was a hundred times stronger. That was one of the reasons they tried to break me literally in other ways.
I could have easily crushed them with one hand but at that time religion was literally beaten into me although I had strong doubts.
Respect your parents, turn the other cheek and more of that bullshit.
Something changed as I heard the opposite of all those killing phrases is written in the Bible too.

I left and kicked out religion, church too. Since that moment my life only improved, extremely improved.

If people misbehave they should be raised and if words don't work the feeling part might help. If I had hit back hard it would not have come that far. I know they all fear me, even after all these years. I am the last witness alive.

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