Personalizing My New Digs – (PowerHouseCreatives Contest) – Moving In

in ART LOVERS4 years ago

Personalizing My New Digs

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I happened to grow up in a rural environment, as I’ve mentioned several times in my writing. It’s provided contrast. Contrast is a worthy aid. Predictably, contrast has revealed things to me due to my rural upbringing, and the main one is that there aren’t cockroaches in rural areas. At least there weren’t any where I grew up.

There really weren’t.

So why on earth am I opening a story about how I’d decorate, remodel, or refashion my new living quarters, by bringing up my experiences with yucky cockroaches? It’s simply because ever since I first started living in urban settings, I’ve become pretty familiar with the filthy bastards; but I’d first met them overseas.

I won’t be returning to rural settings. Wherever I may plan to spend the rest of my life, it will be in an urban setting. That means I’ll have to deal with the nasty buggers, and the best way to do that is to offer no quarter.

I would start by not having standard kitchen cabinets, and I’d opt for an open pantry as the pesky cockroaches like darkness and hiding places. I would have zero cabinets on the walls - just shelves – again, to deny access for homemaking in dark cabinets.

After the kitchen remodel, I would begin painting my new home inside. Rather than boring off-whites, I like walls to be colorful. I’m also not a wallpaper lover for more than one reason - though growing up, my parents were all into wallpaper – wallpaper’s messy going on and hell to get off. Indubitably.

The living room would be light pastel green. It’s easy imagining the comforting scene. The kitchen would shine in a most glossy red, and with stainless steel tiles on the half I’d embed. Additional highlights, orange and light brown, highlights blending like soft eiderdown.

Master bedroom would be painted in a color that’s dark, to help with my napping which in turn gives me spark. I’d also install a light-blocking shade, for the afternoon nap in plans I had made. Guest rooms would be painted so cheerful and bright; it would only be dark there with lights off at night, as guests shan’t be napping when outside it’s light.

There’s more. I’d also ensure all bathrooms were cheerfully designed; not only for the benefit of making guests comfortable but also for making me comfortable, as a dark, drab bathroom isn’t very nice. For the outside I would want pavers where possible; the patio area, walkways, etc., and opt for a smaller lawn footprint with plants occupying more lawn space.

It’s a good plan. I’ve covered a lot, but there’s still more we could do to be even more thorough. I haven’t yet mentioned how I would like for the garage to be. I’ll leave that for another time, but I’ll insist that my garage is a garage.

Personalizing My New Digs © free-reign 2019


Sources for images used in this post:

House: Image by Viktor Birkus from Pixabay
Farm: Image by David Mark from Pixabay
Pastel Green Wall: Photo by Tom Swinnen from Pexels
Bathroom: Image by DarthZuzanka from Pixabay


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Sounds like you have it all mentally planned and it also sounds great my friend.
Some say that whatever one can visualize will be manifested, but of course always with a surprise or two included.
As for me, I am happy to be back in the rural areas and no cockroaches here Lol.

I think I could be happy in a rural setting, but only if I was farming. I would get too bored by just living in a rural area. Unless I was farming, I think I would feel very isolated, and that's a feeling I don't really care for.

Blessings, I hope your Christmas was wonderful and that the two of you are looking forward to an exciting 2020!

I think you will still need a moat and death dungeon, other than that it sounds delightful :) !tip 1

It is delightful-sounding, isn't it? Now it's my dream home all because I entered this contest!

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You have a lovely vision. Nice looking house with not much grass to mow.
I am back in rural setting and no cockroaches. I actually never saw one when I lived in a city.

If you've lived on PEI all your life, I'd bet that's why you've never seen one, though I'd think someone at some time must have brought one or two of them with them in their luggage when visiting PEI, lol. Maybe they've been stymied by the environment in all their attempts to colonize there! :)

I lived outside Toronto for many years before coming back to PEI. I’ve heard of apartments being infested with the cockroach but was lucky enough not to have see any.

Cockroach avoidance is as good a reason as any to make housing decisions, as far as I'm concerned! I like your color schemes, and the idea of making it possible to block out light in the bedroom. I think a really dark room is excellent for sleeping.

I almost missed the fact that a big chunk of this post is written in rhyme. Very clever, @free-reign!

Fun #powerhousecreatives contest. I'm just about to post my entry too.

My master bedroom is so equipped to aid with the perfect afternoon nap, and I can testify to its... how do I put this... it's comforting potential. It is awesome and I try to make use of it each day!

 4 years ago 

I feel your pain @free-reign damned cockroaches fly in here in hot, humid Durban, amble across the floor like tanks, hide/breed in cupboards.

Escape back to rural living I say, for me it would be higher ground and most definitely something low maintenance.

LOL, your mention of the flying ones and heat reminds me of my army time when I was on outer perimeter night guard duty in a guard tower, about 15 feet high. Cockroaches would come out from everywhere at certain times and this huge one landed on my shoulder... I got so freaked out I jumped out of the guard tower LOL!

That was one thing I will never forget as long as I live, and I always have to laugh at how I reacted to a silly (but yucky) bug while I personally was armed to the teeth.

 4 years ago 

Yeah some are so big and imposing it is almost as if they demand attention.

Sadly they are not going anywhere in a hurry, "Cockroaches are an ancient group, dating back at least as far as the Carboniferous period, some 320 million years ago. Wikipedia"

 4 years ago 

Having lived in New York City, Washington, DC and a few sprinkled across Europe, I can honestly say that I have never had cockroaches!


I'm not sure if I was lucky or if the landlord in New York City it upon himself to use some sort of deterrent, but I never saw until one day I did. Except that it was in a hotel that I paid good money for and there it was, bigger than life hanging onto the wall near my bed, taunting me as I screamed bloody murder. Oh my God! What dirty little buggers and if I never see one again I will be happy. Cockroach and Denise or not to be said in the same sentence. Okay, I will admit to having seen a few were along the way but never in my house. It has nothing to do with how cleaner have dirty but everything to do with where your shop. I know people that pick them up and grocery bags and carry them on home. Another good reason for bringing your own.

Of course, I got off the whole tangent of your house which is a delightful place of peace. Here in my home I have a soft green come almost a Mossy Green in my bedroom which is very peaceful and I think that everybody should have rolladens in their bedrooms, and actually their whole house. Great for the light dark and for security. I'm a fan of open Cabinetry but not so much shelving. But hey it's your house and I'm only a guest peeking through. Thank you for giving us insight into your dream home. And I have to agree with you because I do not want to live out in the middle of nowhere and I have become accustomed to going to events within the cities, although I'm not adverse to living in the suburbs in close proximity. A great day and a Happy New Year!

!tip .20

The same reasons I won't be returning to the country! :) I love to go to plays, concerts, etc., and venues of those types just aren't usually found in the country. I'm so used to being so close to the stores that I can ride my bike if I want, that I hardly ever make a huge grocery run like I had to do when living in the country.

Thank you for the tip, and I hope you enjoyed Christmas with all the joy that surrounds you during the holidays! Happy New Year with a toast to a great 2020! 🍾

 4 years ago 

Exactly. In January, I will be going to see this, which I am very excited about! And yes! I need this kind of culture!

Looks good! I see it's in my area in mid-February!

 4 years ago 

Oh!! Go see it, if you can! You won't be sorry!

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 4 years ago 

Sorry! I bounced your tip and had to run to the bank to put in more money, honey! Let's try this again! Happy almost New Year!

!tip .20


🎁 Hi @free-reign! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

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