My Steem Story – By @dexpartacus

in ART LOVERS4 years ago (edited)

Navy Blue Smooth Jazz Cover Youtube Thumbnail.png


A Power House Creatives Initiative

Power House Creatives _night mode.png

Everyone has a story – and all our stories have something in common… we all started from nothing and knew nothing. People want to hear stories. They want to hear OUR stories — they want to know who we are, where we are from, what we are doing, who and what we love, what we have learnt and where we are going. People also want us to hear their story! Being a part of the Steem network is an individual journey for every single one of us and through this initiative we will share our stories not only with all who are already here – hopefully inspiring, guiding and informing them… but doing the same for everyone else in the world too. Through our stories we will prick the curiosity of those who have not yet arrived and illuminate and widen the already open doors to our one in a million blockchain.

We invite and encourage each and every one of you to participate and share your stories too! You can find the "how to" details at the end of this post.



Picture from 2018 World Cup for @steemitri hairstyle contest ...there is always a first time to be blond! Now I'm much uglier and I didn't feel to show you a recent picture.😜

Looking for the Moon

It was the year 2017, I was at a party (and what a party!), the bachelor one of my brother Max, during the travel there was a Cryptocurrencies talk, as often in that period, and my friend Maicah tells me about a Crypto Social where the contents were paid.

"WOW" I thought. I've never been a very social one, but if it's Crypto I'll jump right into it! Few minutes later I was applying for registration, the next day I get the email and I subscribe in a few minutes. I start looking at random posts without really understanding how that work, I vote a bit here and there without really understanding what I was doing. I make my first post, and what a post! (...a total disaster!!! lol), a photo and two lines of description, as I already said I am not, or rather I was, a very social guy.

The first impression was that he was a bit "raw" about graphics and quite complex in dynamics, but this did not scared me at all, when I put something on my head is difficult to take it off, so day by day I deepened and I did not let myself be discouraged.

I didn't understand well how the upvote works, I saw post earn a lot of money and appreciated, others almost nothing, I commented especially on articles with photos that I liked, I didn't always receive an answer, but I never gave importance to this fact, it can happen to all of us not to see a comment.

My mother language is Italian, but I could only find posts in English and luckily for me I understood it because otherwise I would have been screwed because I was quite convinced that Italians did not exist here, instead I was very wrong, after about a month I started to find them too, while I had learned some dynamics informing myself on the platform about what I was interested to know.

Having worked on a cruise ship ten years ago ship I was obliged to speak English, I also often watch series and films in original language from many years, almost all of them in English (also because the Italian ones are usually a total disaster) but on writing side I had to commit myself during time because I had never done it before.

At that time, as already said I knew absolutely nothing, I understood Bitcoin in general and the most famous Cryptos because with some friends we were very excited about this new technology. I didn't find immediate understanding of how it worked but also thanks to the entry into the @steempostitalia community and the very prepared users always ready to help, I was able to learn a lot of little notions about the platform.

Compared to the beginning I'm an absolute genius, I can turn around well without any difficulty using my intuition, but sometimes I don't care because I'm convinced of one thing in reality it's totally the opposite. Hitting my head is good for me and makes me learn even better, so I'm good! lol

The great thing about Steemit, however, is that you never stop learning, there is so much things that you risk getting lost. Things that I now take for granted at first weren't at all.

I also like to play games, but not for too long time, I used to play video games a lot during the past, over the years I stopped almost entirely, but since games like @spliterlands were born an hour or so a day I'm playing.

I also discovered other games during my time here, such as @nextcolony, @holybread, @drugwars, and @steemknights, I like to find out how they work on their release and see how they evolve, as soon as I can I gladly do some tutorials to explain them.

My favorites contents are music, also because I've been singing for years, photography, sport, cinema and TV series, art in general, nature, sport and of course cryptos (even if on the technical side I'm not really good)... the list never ends, I try to be as versatile as possible in my life about interests, I first say what I don't particularly love, food and drink are not my forte, even if sometimes seeing some users' recipes can provoke me lot of admiration.

I like to write but also make videos, maybe the articles I do with more passion are those about my travels, which I try to enrich with lots of photos. I also like a lot to make videos, the ones I make are not really nice imho, but I try to do my best and improve myself always, the ones I care most about are the tutorials, I always liked to be useful to others.

If you're new on Steemit my advise is to do not let yourself get down at the first difficulties and continue undeterred asking for help to others, you'll have to commit yourself naturally, but after a short time you will surely be able to navigate easily on the platform and create good content. There are plenty of good communities on Discord that can help you grow and reach good levels.

I follow a lot of people here, I like to vary a lot, as I said before I have a lot of interests and I love to make friends with as many people as possible, I think the collaboration between us is fundamental. Few names that come in my mind now are (ladies first) - @carolineschell, she can draw and sculpt with skill as well as being very nice. - @jaynie I'm new in PHC and she was able to impress me immediately, very creative and skillful, the creator of this very interesting initiative. - @blueeyes8960 I know her from another platform, she's a very wise person who can give invaluable life advice. - @carrieallen, I love her comments when I do the posts on the Steem Monster cards, really nice and always ready to help, is my mentor there. - @zord189 the contest master on PHC, great mind and ideas, a really nice guy. - @webdeals, one of the first I met here and with whom I have bonded over time thanks also to our collaboration in some really interesting initiatives. - @mad-runner, a really exquisite person who can give life advice like few others. - @steemitri, simply THE Mannequin, sympathy and creativity are his strong points. - @ran.koree, the graffiti and murals king, if you check his YT channel you will be amazed! - @ryo-6414, he coolest Manga maker ever, I speak with almost every day in chat. @amico, his nick means "friend" in english and speaks for itself. @lorenzopistolesi, a 360° musician always ready for collaborations, music is his life! ...And these are just few, but I could be writing names and speak about them for hours!

I'm also active here and on Discord with different communities as @steempostitalia (my first Italian community that I'm parto of from two years), @bdcommunity (they are really kind and always ready to help, videos = their believe), @travelfeed (the best for travelers that love to share their experiences), @dcooperation (@clixmoney have a big heart), @steemitbloggers (A lot of fun and clever initiatives we are with Powerhouscreatives! ), @minnowsupport (that help little minnows to grow), (the best about movies and TV series), @tatsteem (if you love food is simply great), @ocd (great initiatives from them, one of the older and powerful here) and @dtube (much better than YT!!!).

There's a lot of other great initiatives out there, we have just to look for them!

I invite @amico, @ryo-6414, @yanipetkov, @steemitri and @claudio83 to join this initiative!

Thanks for reading, a big hug and see you soon!


  1. Create a post titled: “My Steem Story – By

  2. The first three tags in order are to be as follows:

  3. ONLY make use of the cover image provided in this post.

  4. Keep the same formatting and placement (intro, footer
    instructions etc.)

  5. Replace the personal photo with one of your own.

  6. Tag 5 people to join in on the initiative.

  7. Share your post to twitter.

  8. Share your twitter link and Steem post link in the comments of @jaynie’s “Steem Story” post.


Write a post which shares and gives adequate response to the following headings:

Where my Steem Journey began
(How you first discovered Steem and your very first thoughts and impressions “as you landed”.)

My initial challenges & how I overcame them
(Share a bit about the difficulties you faced at the beginning, whether it was navigation, post creation, engagement – whatever – how you resolved them and how differently you feel about it now)

My Steem blockchain knowledge
(Give a little bit of background on your blockchain knowledge when you began your Steem journey versus now.)

My Steem favourites
(What are the things you do mostly on the blockchain – is it blogging, vlogging? What front ends do you like to make use of and what content genre’s do you generally focus on?)

My golden nugget advice
(What advice would you offer to those that are unfamiliar or new to this space)

My Steem hood & its peeps
(Share a little about the communities you belong to, discord servers you frequent and perhaps a handful of the awesome people you follow)


Logo by @ran.koree


You really have lots of things to say.
Thanks for sharing.

Yeah!! :)
Thanks a lot!

 4 years ago 

A fantastic story indeed wasn't it!

Yeah, it is

Blond suited you! And it’s great to hear how you heard about it on that special party and the funny thing is that those moments are relived with these blogs. And welcome to the steemterminal

You're right, best things come when you least expect it!
Thanks! :)

 4 years ago 

So true hey hon! We get to re-live and share all our special moments with people we love! How cool!

 4 years ago 

Hahaha, yeah, my first few encounters were of the variety that I knew little about either. 100% vote here! 100% vote there! And then I got offended when I wasn't getting them! Simply did not understand the rewards pool at all.

And what a party! That reminds me of a song that ought to be shared. I hope you enjoy it!

🤣🤣🤣 hilarious video!!🤣🤣🤣
Yep, the arrival on the platform is pretty traumatic for everyone, too many things!
Get offendend to didn't receive back normal for me...🤣🤣🤣

You do awesome for English not being your first language. It has been a learning experience here. I hit my head a few times too and think it helped. 😂

Thanks a lot, really kind!
Hit always help!🤣🤣🤣

Beautiful work on you story @dexpartacus 🙏


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 4 years ago 

Compared to the beginning I'm an absolute genius

hahahaha!!! oh yes! Me too LOL!

I think I shared the same aimeless, clueless wandering when I first joined Steem but you find your way eventually.

This is such a great post @dexpartacus! Thank you so much for participating :)


🤣 I think is pretty common to be lost at the beginning, the important thing is to find the way... if your brave enough to do not leave the platform... lol
Thanks!! Really kind!!😀🤗

 4 years ago 

Very true :)

🎁 Hi @dexpartacus! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @jaynie!

@jaynie wrote lately about: Way Back When - I Dub Thee #Musicmonday Feel free to follow @jaynie if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

Great Steem Story and thank you so much for the shoutout!!

Thanks!! You're absoultely welcome!!😉👏💪

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