We Pause for an Unscheduled SPUD: Powering Up in Support of our Community Witnesses!

in ART LOVERS5 years ago

We've been a bit financially strapped around here, so I have chosen to hold some liquid Steem for a while, to have a "fallback option" in case an unexpected bill might come up.

Part of the joy of being Self-Employed is that you often don't know where your next paycheck will come from.

After a bit of discussion with Mrs. Denmarkguy, we decided that the right thing to do was to power up in support of our Community Elected Witnesses.


It's not a huge amount, by any means... but every little bit counts, I expect... and if a thousand "small fry" like me each powered up 1,000 Steem, it would definitely make a difference.

Check Your Witness Votes!

Even if you are someone who has already cast all 30 of your witness votes... WHEN did you do so?

My point being, if you did all your witness voting a year or more ago, there's a really high likelihood that some of your votes are now given to defunct or deactivated witnesses!

Take a moment to double check your votes... you may have some votes "down at the bottom" that you could UNvote and give to someone about to break into the top 20.

Check it NOW!

*Please, and thank you!

We now return to our regularly scheduled programming!

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(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for this platform.)
Created at 20200305 19:28 PST



Been powering up too, every Steem cent (or what it's called after the 0.) I get and have. It's a pity I exchanged few hundred Steem to bitcoin and euros just couple of weeks before this all happened because now I could have powered that up too. Not that that would have made any difference either but then again it does because any amount helps.

I so know what it is to like not knowing how where the next paycheck comes or how much is it going to be. Steem has been my little something for just in case.

Trying to be an entrepreneur here too. :)

Nice going, buddy

Thank you! It just seemed like the right thing to do.

Just letting you know, after reading you post (yesterday?).

My transfers to my wallet are now being done automatically.

Not a big problem - I don't think - but it's a little weird.

I've been powering up everytime I get some little dribble coming in.
I hate it, because I had just started participating in #spud on the first of the month.
I found out about it too late in Feb, but I did do the SPUD XI for Feb, then I saved all month, not powering up, so that Mar 1 I had a nice (for me) nest egg to add to the pool.
Now that pool is no longer building because of the Witness/Sun takeover madness.
YOUR power up was pretty significant compared to any of mine.
I asked if I should remove a witness vote then reinstated it with my new SP.
It was explained that every increase of MY SP, would automatically increase the influence of those I've voted for.

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