in ART LOVERS4 years ago


These past few day so much has happened both in life in general and on the steemisfere including discord. People have opinions, questions, requests and even solutions about all kinds of topics, soft forks, crossposting, frontends, steemcleaning, others, accounts and solutions ( or well they think they do ) that’s all nice but try to listen too. Besides that in some discords well let’s say I get annoyed of things happening inside. It’s not a free ride people ! Not anywhere. So for today #thoughtfuldailypost and My #fouroclocky it’s about listening to others. I am listening to this music station while writing this blog and the boys are playing with Lego. To get my thoughts out. And please let me know if you have the same feeling.


Its about listening, Seeing other views. Listening to reason. And when you are here for 6 weeks don’t think you know it all. You don’t!! Hell I have been here 26 months and I know not even half. There are more sides to a coin is the phrase they say I believe. So try it it might give you a great feeling and some upvotes from people you don’t know yet. One thing that is true, is that we help. we help at @Steemterminal and @heyhaveyamet. Our staff is there24/7 for free, and every question you have.And next to this help we organise all kinds off actions. We are planning a #redfishrally again. One for members who have less than 100 sp and one for members that want to reach 500 sp and that great minnow level.

Let me know if you want to participate or know someone that can be a candidate. Let’s all have faith and let’s walk to the future together, it’s a fun ride I promise! In these fun times its VERY needed to vote for you 30 witnesses. Go and do your research, it’s now more important than ever......

About 2 years ago I’ve written about the ‘best’ time to submit a blogpost so you’ll receive worldwide exposure. I came up with the term 4 o'clocky and I thought this might be a great idea to make a blogpost every day at 4 o'clock local time with this title. Every day I’ll submit a blogpost about something that keeps me busy, a challange, a contest or something important enough to share so Lets blog on and See you every day here at 4 !

Thank you for stopping by, its highly appreciated, and please let me know your vision on steemit life in general.

Please remember, focus on being creative instead of being busy!

- “Consistent Actions, Create Consistent Results”

- “Not everyone is a blogger, but everyone has something great to offer"

Lover of Life and L❤️ve in General - @brittandjosie

I fully support witness and developer group @blockbrothers for the Steem blockchain. If you want to support them, they would appreciate your vote here.

They build Steemify, a notification app for your Steemit account for iOS.
Get it Here:

Member off the :

#heyhaveyamet #steemterminal #powerhousecreatives #needleworkmonday and #payitforward and on Discord @ brittandjosie3488

(c) All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me. @brittandjosie originals

Sources used : Pixabay and Pexels and with others its mentioned in my blog. I only use a canon camera and my iPhone.

I would like to thank You for Reading my blog but Feel free to leave me any feedback.

If you want to learn more about either of these projects, please visit: @heyhaveyamet or @steemterminal



#marlians, #neoxian, #creativecoin
#palnet #steemitmamas #powerhousecreatives #CC
#mediaofficials #steemterminal #heyhaveyamet #built-it


I am very grateful for all the help received here. Real people who share and do what it takes to grow. So, you can come and you will always find someone willing to help.
@marybellrg, @zulma, @bislaydi, @steemitray, @oizaguirres,@darkfemme

The help we give in the @steemterminal you mean? Yes we have that as a core business here, not always very easy but very rewarding. And i love that we helped you and you are doing so good in your blogging life

Oh tks... its a honor, i try to do the best work... thank you so much

I've been here two and a half years and I don't know much either! You're not alone! Lol
What's the #redfishrally about? For example if I want to reach 500sp fast what should I do?

Well i know enough and get by very well, but i think the best way is to start and get witness votes casted, all 30 and read from there.

The @steemterminal is the discord for people who need help or who are new. We have an in discord program to help accounts go to 100 sp and 500 sp and get answers to their questions. Its very good and many have graduated , you can enter the rally 500 you will be over 500 asap

Thanks Brittandjosie, it sounds great! I'll check it! 👍

I think there's so much to learn and with the constant changes, we can never truly know everything. I know it is for me.
Then again, that's the whole idea, I guess

Its so hard to do all but than the moment comes that you see that you understand all and there are no surprises and you blog along and have fun. Than bam ! There is the new cHave again and you start all over and find that mojo again.

Yeah steem is never boring.. If you think it's going a but normal the route is going 360. I hope it's still staying steem but the chance is high that it will all go to tron. And here we are with all our funds locked and locked in sub coins. But maybe it's all like a good thing. It stays steem with tron as a backup.. with a developer who can invest.. But as every invester you want something out of it. Me too of course.. 😉

Beste Hans hoe gaat het met je ?
and indeed we have to keep faith and see where the ship will sale and what the future wil have for us. Steem wise where have you been? Not that active any more

If you do not know half of it...then I know nothing mama!!! 😁 And yes it is never a free ride.

Well i try to read as much as i can and stay on top, but is much i can tell you that

 4 years ago 

Love the treatment on the pic! You are so pretty!  

Its a very nice app that makes me that way hahahahahah

Congratulations @brittandjosie!

This post was selected by the Power House Creatives
as today's Rally Upvote Post :)

You can find the community announcement in our Discord server
and it has also been shared on our FB Page and Twitter feed.




This post was curated by @theluvbug
and has received an upvote and a resteem
to hopefully generate some ❤ extra love ❤ for your post!


In Proud Collaboration with The Power House Creatives
and their founder @jaynie



Thank you that’s highly appreciated

Your photo with the words overlaid looks like my avatar! :)

I've noticed some negative opinions being expressed, (by the looks of it), by accounts that, either haven't been here long or they are alternate accounts. I can never tell which they are.

There is so much going on that, for me, it would take up all of my time just trying to stay on top of everything, and that would leave me no time to do any writing.

I just see that now, it makes us a bit untouchable because the words keep us protected hahahah
Yes good notice, the strirr ups, but the opnions are also from people who do know and with all that happening around and on the steemisfere its a bit of a busy “brain” time, cause i tend to always look into another ones opinion and see the positive, but mannnnn some are so ignorant and negative. They just see this world, this platform as a free ride, a quick scam and money mine. Its really getting up my nerves and i just want to scream to them, read people read.
Every day i see that and sometimes i feel the need to vent , major vents hahahahah that lightens the spirit

I absolutely love this post, to listen is such a great way to connect and truly learn. Thank you for the reminder and for sharing the love with the community!


Congratulations @fenngen, you successfuly trended the post shared by @brittandjosie!
@brittandjosie will receive 1.39636913 TRDO & @fenngen will get 0.93091275 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!

"Call TRDO, Your Comment Worth Something!"

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 4 years ago (edited)

Thanks listening is nice, gaining and needed. Its nice for the one that is talking that they have an audience. Gaining cause you might learn something and needed cause when all speaks at the same time life is chaos. Chaos is here, on the platform cause people dont read, just scan see words that have meaning and make up their mind. I
Life is hard so is steemit, so indeed my vent is LISTEN hahahahahah

Its absolutely nesseccary but half of the people see you talk blog or vlog and didnt get any of the things you meant when you were talking. Its the truth. Understanding what you read is a true compliment to the writer of the blog

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