Personal blog: We are skies

in ART LOVERS4 years ago


We are all skies. We all rain in silence or with a bang. We are storm and calm, hope and darkness, sets of dreams that float in the blue nothingness of time.

And it is that the skies have always attracted me a lot, perhaps because I feel that they are very similar to us. Few elements of nature can express as many emotions and mood swings as the sky, except for the sea, but the sea is not within everyone's reach while the sky is, and unless you live in a cave you only need to look up to see it.

Virtually half of everything our eyes see during their lifespan is the sky. From the horizon below we see our world, and from the horizon above there is always the sky with its whites and blues, with its grays and blacks, with its serenity and its calm, with its agitation and its fury.


I really like images like the one that heads this publication, because they remind me that although none of us is a blue sky without blemish, it shows us, in a very poetic way if you like, that even in storm-skies there is always a glimpse of light among the darkness, shows us that even in the darkest of us there is always a little light that survives among our clouds, among our fears, our fears, our demons.

And in these days when it seems that we are under clouds that threaten storm, it is up to us to be those rays of light that illuminate the darkness and allow us to get out of the shadows that today threatens us and seems to test us. If not us who will light the way to a new day. If not us, who will turn the gray of this sky full of storm clouds into a blue one stained with white clouds of hope.

©bonzopoe, 2020.

Note: This original content post is entirely my own and was originally published on my blog at HIVE. Only minor modifications have been made to it to be able to share it on this platform.

Thank you very much for reading this post and dedicating a moment of your time. Until next time and remember to leave a comments.

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