Graffiti & Street Art: TEC's street art. Printing humor, color and life on the asphalt.

in ART LOVERS4 years ago

Few times the term street art can be interpreted as literally as in the case of the works of the Argentine artist who calls himself simply 'Tec'.


As with many exponents of street art or urban art, it is not easy to find Tec's real name, he does not include it in his website or in his Fickr account, nor is it mentioned in the articles about him on the various websites that show his work.

What do we know about him? Well, he is Argentine, from Córdova, he is just over 40 years old and lives and works in Brazil and his native Argentina, and as is also common among artists with a similar profile, he is part of several collectives.

His work has a very defined aesthetic, and different means of expression, ranging from installations, to graffiti, and from the walls of a gallery to the asphalt of any street at his disposal. And it is precisely this particular facet of his work that has caught my attention.

I have previously encountered other artists who have the street as the setting for their work, but I have not encountered someone who uses it as a canvas in such a literal way, except for the zebra crossing cases, which have completely different backgrounds and contexts. .

Many of Tec's works can be considered within what is called ephemeral art, since their lifespan is very limited, as they are "erased" by the traffic authorities of the site in question or even by the same, after photographic registration of the play.

I share below some images of Tec's asphalt works, a definitely very particular way of expressing himself and giving new life to the urban environment in which we spend a good part of our lives.








I also share a sample of his graffiti and other works, which as you can see have a recognizable and particular style, and although it is a "more traditional" expression of his work, they are still interesting and of high quality.





Source of all images: Tec's Flickr account

©bonzopoe, 2020.

Nota: Este post de contenido original es de mi total autoría y fue publicado originalmente en mi blog en HIVE. Solo se le han realizado modificaciones menores al mismo para poder compartirlo en esta plataforma.

Thank you very much for reading this post and dedicating a moment of your time. Until next time and remember to leave a comments.

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